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Rory's POV -
They rush us into the ER. Carlisle and another doctor run towards us.
"17 year old female. Hit by a motorcycle. Bleeding arm that was had a tourniquet when we got there. Deep injury to the chest area. We don't know how bad it is. She has shallow breathing."
"Thank you. Rory, don't move. If you move, she will bleed out. Dr Hopkins, call the OR. We need to see what's happening in there."
"Will do."
"Let's move her on three. One, two, three." The move Angela onto a hospital bed. More people walk us down a corridor and into an elevator. Everything said around me is muted in my ears. Someone puts a mask and eye protection on me. Dr Cullen and the other doctor from before are in similar gear and are wearing latex gloves.
"Rory, you're going to have have to do exactly as I say. Dr Hopkins is going to remove your hand from her body okay. You'll be fine."
"What about her? What happens to her?" I ask, scared.
"We will do every thing we can for her."
"If I move my hand, will she die?"
"I hope not."
The person who I assume is Dr Hopkins puts her hands around my wrist. She slowly pulls out my hand, and I feel blood flooding into the wound.
"You're doing great, Rory. Now, let us do our jobs."
I leave the room and find Edward. Edward is safe. Edward can help. I get pulled into a tight hug. I can tell by his scent that it's him. I cry into his chest and he just holds me. Eventually, he pulls me into a bathroom. He helps me wash my hands with water and soap. The water coming from the tap turns red with Angela's blood, before it clears again. But there's still blood. I swear there's still blood.
"Love, your hands are clean."
"No they're not. It's still there."
"Love, look at me."
I look up at him, into his soft eyes.
"Love, they're clean.

I look at my hand again, and sure enough it's clean.
" Bu-ut. But. "
"Hey. It's okay Rory. Everything's okay."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for."
"No. I'm sorry. I broke down. I has no reason to. I'm sorry. I get if your mad."
"Love, how could I be mad? You just stuck your hand into another human. You have every reason to break down."
"I love you. I love you so much, but i don't know what I did to deserve you."
"I love you too. And I don't know what I did to deserve someone as incredible and perfect as you."

Edward's POV -
I will never understand how he doesn't see how amazing he is. I love him more than anything, I just want him to see that. I would do anything for him, even fall back on every vow I've ever made. I just hug him and let him cry into my shoulder. I say backwards and forwards a bit, hoping that'll hope. We stay in the comfort of each other until he pushes away and wipes his eyes.
"I think I'm ready to go out and face the world."
"If you're sure, love."
"Yeah. If I don't go now, I'll never go."
"Okay then." I hold his hand, a he grips it tightly. Together we walk into the waiting room. When we sit down, I play with his hair and occasionally kiss his hairline, which I hope will calm him. It seems to, a little. Mike Newton is here, along with Eric. Jessica's here too, but she's lookin at her phone. I notice that Isabella isn't here, despite the fact that she is seemingly friends with Angela. It surprises me. I would be thought that even if she didn't care for the girl, she would at least come to keep up appearances. But she will probably get away with it. An older couple walks in and goes to reception. They ask about Angela and I assume that they're her parents. They go and sit next to the teenagers. Eventually, Carlisle comes into the room. He calls for the two parents, and they go, along with Angela's friends. Rory moves to get up too, and I follow.
"You sure about this?" I ask.
"I need to know." I kiss his temple as we follow them.
"Angela is stable. However, she lost a lot of blood in surgery. She's currently in a coma. We don't know how long for, but we feel hopeful that she will wake. I'm sorry, but we did everything we could."
I feel my mate stiffen beside me. I can hear his breathing increase in speed.
"Hey love, breath. In and out. Deep breaths," I tell him quietly, rubbing the back of his hand. He tries, and his breathing slows a little. He quickly leaves the room, and I follow.

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