Chapter 58

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Sky jumped up and wrapped her arms around Jimin and brought his face to her neck, it's where he likes to go when he's upset. He'll find anyone he can cuddle and hide his face into it while he cries. Jimin is literally the sweetest and most caring person she's ever met, and that's saying something because Lucy was for sure an Angel sent to her from Heaven to save her from her miserable life. "Jimin, I love you too. It's, this is going to sound dumb."

He pulled back, his poor eyes were swollen and red already. "There's nothing you could say that would sound dumb. You are from here and we are from 52. You were raised completely differently, so your emotions and needs differ greatly from ours. We only want to understand you more and help you, be there for you. You can talk to us about anything."

This man is going to make her curl up in a little ball and cry like Hasin does when his Dad won't let him have more sweets. The dramatic little one will cry and cry until someone in the house caves and gives him whatever he wants. Sky is about the only one that can resist his cries and pouts. That is until he wraps his fluffy little red tail around her wrist and then she's a goner too.

"I'm scared to sleep with you." She blurted out before cringing at how wrong that came out. Jimin jolted a bit, pulling away from her, "no no not like that. Whatever you are thinking I promise it's not that."

"I'm thinking that you just told me that you are scared to sleep with me," he deadpanned.

"Yeah, I guess I did," she sighed. "But I swear I didn't mean it like that." Her eyes hashing around the room looking for an escape, but knowing ultimately that this wasn't something she could escape. "I've." She stopped, chewing on her bottom lip to prevent herself from admitting what she's been keeping inside for a while.

His thumb reached out and pulled her lip out, "Sky you are scaring me and making me think that you really do not want me. If you don't, that's okay. I swear I'd never force you."

"I want you Jimin, that isn't the issue. I want you too much, that's the issue."

His grin was infectious and honestly a little smug, "oh really?" He crawled a little closer to her, his small hand reaching out to brush against her cheek, her eyes closed as she leaned into him more. "But I'm glad that you want me."

"I've wanted you since before we left the ship Jimin, all of you. But."

"But what? Don't hold back on me now. I'm on cloud nine right now, our little mate wants us and not just so we can get her pregnant."

She couldn't help but to laugh, she tried, she really did, but it was useless. Sky giggled so hard that her entire body was shaking slightly. "That's one way to put it I guess."

He caged her body against the mattress, hovering above her. "Have you thought about my dick, what it would feel like inside you? How you'd feel bouncing up and down on it like a good girl."

Sky glared at him a bit, "you are supposed to be my good boy, but alas I was wrong. Maybe Jinnie needs to come spank you."

"I'd rather you spanked me if I'm being honest. I'd love to get all nice and pink for you."

She snorted so hard that it hurt, "Jimin, Jesus you horn dog."

"Are you surprised? You've seen me getting dicked down on a daily basis for well over a year now. I've tried showing you just how good I can be, yet no one ever let's me use my pretty dick." He was pouting and trying to guilt her big time, they both knew it, but she was willing to play along just to prolong their game.

"It really is such a pretty dick and it's sad that it's so useless, you should let me see it baby."

He scrambled so fast, stripping out of his clothes and standing in front of her his cock already red and leaking. "I don't want it to be useless. I have no interest in fucking them, but you, you I want to fuck so badly I could scream."

She smacked his dick a bit, making it bob side to side. "Would you even know what to do with it if you got the chance? Would you even be able to cum without someone pounding into your prostate?"

His head was thrown back, his eyes rolling up as he groaned. Fuck he wants this, her so bad. But she's not wrong, he's never not had something in his ass during sex. "Well they can make me cum when they give me head, I'm sure you feel even better than that."

Her tongue came out and licked a fat stripe up it from base to tip. Her lips latching onto the head as she sucked on it hard, "if I rode your big dick, would you be able to give me a baby? You wouldn't make me work that hard and not give me what we want would you?"

He whimpered, a low whine building in his throat. "I promise I will. I give you as many babies as you want."

"Can you be good though? I haven't had to tie you up when I've licked your pretty cock, but can you refrain from touching me when you are inside me?"

His head nodded quickly, eagerly agreeing to whatever she wanted. "Yes, yes I'll be good. I promise."

Sky cooed at the beautiful boy in front of her, his body shaking with need and glistening. "My shirt stays on, can you keep your tentacles under control?"

His eyes went wide, his mouth in a pout "I'm not sure. I can probably keep them away from you, but I don't know if I can keep them away from me. They like to be useful, and my tail, I."

"Baby, I've told you a million times that you never have to control your tail around me. If it wants out it's fine."

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