Chapter 49

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She recoiled back from him a bit, pulling away from Yoongi too and rushing to check on Scotty. After seeing the bruise on his neck she glared at the other two, "how could you? You got what you want. You can go home and knock up your breeder as much as you want. Just leave me and my baby alone."

"Sky," Yoongi said softly as he walked towards her.

"Don't, I don't want to hear it. You literally stole me from the streets and like a dumbass, I fell for you, all of you. Now the rug has been pulled out from under me. I had everything I've ever wanted and now you have what you want. I'm keeping the house, you owe me that at least so I have somewhere to raise my child. Take the other pod back, I never want to see you again."

Hobi started to protest, but Yoongi stopped him. "We'll leave for tonight since we know you are okay. But one of us will be back tomorrow, and the next day and every day after that until this baby is born. It can't be born in your human hospital and you will die without our medical knowledge. So accept this deal and we'll leave right now."

"Fine, deal. I'll be staying here until the house is done next week."

Hobi still wanted to protest, but the strong grip on his waist told him to shut up and follow Yoongi. "Take this, press the button on the side and it'll contact the ship."

"Why would I need this?"

"What if you go into labor in the middle of the night? If something happens and we aren't here, this is how you get a hold of us."

She sighed and took it from him, "one of you and only one of you can come tomorrow at noon. They can stay for 15 minutes and 15 minutes only. Then they have to go, if you don't agree to this then I will run and give birth myself."

"You will die," Hobi gritted out trying to control himself as much as possible.

"Then I'll die being free, now go before I change my mind and run anyway."

Yoongi squeezed Hobi tighter, "come on, let's go." He looked at her one last time, "someone will be here at noon. Goodbye Sky," then he was gone.

"He kicked my door in, what the fuck. Is he superman or some shit? How did he even find you? Did they install a tracker or some shit on you?"

She shrugged her shoulder, "they are aliens, how would I know."

As soon as they made it to the two pods Hobi grabbed Yoongi by the collar and pushed him up against the pod she took, "why did you agree to that? You better have a good fucking reason."

"Did you not see the look on her face? She's scared, didn't you hear her? She loves us Hobi and she thinks we are going back home to have children with a breeder. That we are going to leave her here, alone."

"But we aren't," he screamed, "but we aren't," he said much softer and far more broken as he slid down to the ground.

"I know this and you know this, but she doesn't."

Hobi looked up, his eyes looking deep into Yoongi's green ones, "then why didn't you let me tell her, or why didn't you?"

"Hobi," she sighed. "She wouldn't have believed us. She's so used to being hurt that she never would have believed that we chose her and Earth over our home planet. We have to show her, show her that we are serious and that we want this."

"Please tell me you have a plan, I. I can't lose her and my baby Yoongi. Please tell me that you can fix this, you have to fix this."

Yoongi promised Hobi over and over that he would fix this, it took a bit but he got him stable enough to fly the extra pod back to their ship. Everyone was waiting on them as soon as they walked in, "where is she?" Jimin still had tears falling down his face.

"On Earth still, she's going to stay there for a bit."

"Yoongi, no no no, she can't. She's pregnant, she could get hurt."

Yoongi walked over to Tae who was about to get hysterical again, "I know this baby. But you weren't there." He explained everything that happened, how she only heard the beginning of them leaving and not that they wanted to stay. "I have a plan, but I need all of your help in order to pull this off."

"We'll do anything," Jin was quick to rush out.

"Tomorrow someone is going to go down and see her and it has to be Tae."

"Why me?"

Yoongi looked at Tae, "she's going to expect a fight. She's going to expect one of us to go down there and drag her back by force. So we are going to send you. You aren't going to force her, you are going to be your sad crying self and make her feel bad. Her instincts to baby you should kick in. Then when your time is up, you leave, still crying."

"I can do that," Tae agreed, "it's not like it would even be hard or a stretch."

"Perfect," Yoongi kissed Tae on the forehead quickly before he turned towards Jimin, "next we send in our other baby. You do the same thing. Her guard will be up even more. She'll think that Hobi or one of the doms will be next."

"You are going to send me after aren't you?"

"I am Joon, you are going to take her all of her comfort items and some pregnancy food. The young will be craving Hobi's scent by then, so the items will help her."

"That doesn't make sense though Yoongi," Hobi was so confused. "Her blanket, pillow and teddy smell more like Tae than me."

"You have two days to get your scent all over them, basically keep in contact with those items as much as possible over the next two days so Joon can take them to her."

Hobi smiled for the first time in hours, "I can do that."

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