Chapter 6

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The next morning Jimin and Jin were in the medical room, it sounded like they were arguing. Sky looked at the smiley one, Hobi, he was looking at both of them with so much amusement. "I have a question."

"Ask anything Sky."

"Why can I sometimes understand you but other times I can't?"

"Ah," he pointed to a device on his wrist. "It's a translator, it takes what we are saying in our language and translates it into your language. They have it turned off since they are arguing between the two of them."

That makes as much sense as any of this. "So what are they arguing about?"

Hobi fluffed up the back of his red hair a bit and grinned at me, "Jimin called dibs to go first since he saw you first, but Jin is the oldest and he's been waiting the longest. They can't decide on who should go first."

"Can't they just flip for it?" That seemed to get their attention, Sky asked if they had a coin. It took some miming and a bit of charades style explaining but they finally handed her a coin looking thing that was larger than our half dollar. It was called a desmond or crest. 

She got all excited about it, it was jade. There were, uh she thinks words engraved into one side, and on the other was a silver circle that had what looked like a family crest etched into it. It was absolutely beautiful. She asked if she could keep it and they all blushed like she just asked to see their dicks. But Hobi mumbled that she could have it and it made the other two gasp. Why, she has no idea. It's just a coin, if they wanted a quarter she'd give them one.

There was a design on what she was designating as heads. She flipped it and made Jimin pick heads or tails. He picked heads and it landed on the top so he won. That made him really happy, Yoongi walked in and gave her a shot, and the next thing she knew she was out.

"Why did you give him your desmond?" Jimin asked Hobi in a whisper so Yoongi didn't hear.

"He asked for it, he looked so excited to see it and I didn't want to upset him."

Jimin sighed, "Hobi, you gave our potential breeder your family crest. You basically swore to him that you'd always be there, that if he loses his family he could be in yours. Since he's from Earth, he has no family on 52. Breeders don't get crests, those are for mates. Breeders have one purpose and that's to give us young."

Hobi looked at Jimin, "are you telling me that you won't catch any feeling for him? I see the way you look at him Jimin, are you saying you don't want to wrap your tentacles around his cock and use your suckers to suck on his nipples. You don't want to use your mating one to get him prepped for your cock?"

When Jimin didn't answer, Hobi nodded "exactly my point. I don't think we can look at him like a typical breeder. He hasn't been raised like the ones on our planet, he's going to want more at some point. I, I think I might be willing to give it to him."

"What about Yoongi? You are closest to him, how do you think he'll feel?"

Hobi sighed, "I'm not ready for that part yet. But we are all together, maybe Sky would be willing as well. Let's play it by ear and hope that he doesn't find out yet."

Yoongi lifted Sky up and laid him down onto the insemination bed, his ass was in the air ready for the process to begin. He turned to Jimin and handed him a cup, "I need your sample."

Jimin turned to Jin and winked, "will you help me cutie?"

Jin scoffed, "fine, but only because I want to fuck you." Jin walked over to Jimin and pushed him down, he pulled his pants down. Jin's tentacles came out and his mating one got to work on prepping Jimin while the smaller ones went to Jimin's cock and nipples. 

"Cup, make sure you get it in the cup. Hobi, help them please. We need a sample." Yoongi was so annoyed with them. But Hobi did as Yoongi yelled, he grabbed the cup from where Jimin dropped it on the seat. He kneeled down under Jimin making sure that he could catch anything he spilled. 

Jin pulled his mating tentacle out, then he slammed into Jimin. He grabbed Jimin's blonde hair and pulled on it making him moan and Jin groaned as his hips pumped harshly. "I'm mad that you won that stupid coin flip Jimin, so even after Hobi gets your sample, I'm still going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you with my dick and my mating tentacle until you can't walk properly."

Jimin was whimpering and both Hobi and Yoongi were rolling their eyes, they needed to stay in professional mode otherwise they'd never get this process started. Jin's tentacles gripped Jimin's cock harder and faster and soon he was crying out, his cum shooting everywhere. 

Thankfully Hobi got enough for the sample. He brought it over to Yoongi and helped him get everything set up while Jin kept his word and kept fucking Jimin hard. "Those two I swear."

Hobi snorted, "not like we don't do the same shit too."

Yoongi got the sample ready and walked over to Sky, he pulled his bottoms off just to where he could get to his ass. "Spreader," he asked Hobi with his hand out. Hobi handed it to him while Yoongi lubed it up, then he slid it in to spread Sky's hole as wide as he could. 

"It looks different than ours," Hobi mumbled.

"Different species, it's bound to happen."

"Are they always that tight?"

Yoongi shrugged, "how am I supposed to know? This is my first encounter with a Terran ass."

Once it was spread enough that they could easily insert the dropper they dropped Jimin's cum in there and then pulled everything back out and pulled his pants back up. They positioned Sky to where his hips were up to encourage the sperm to swim and then they waited for him to wake up. 

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