Chapter 41

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She grabbed the pillow that was right under his head, causing him to smack his head against the headboard. But before he could even complain she started smacking him with the pillow over and over. "Yah, that hurts."

"You deserve it, laughing at me when I was freaking out hardcore." She started pouting and honestly it could give Tae and even Jimin a run for their money. "I was having an internal meltdown and you just laughed like it was nothing."

"It's not nothing, your feelings are valid. I was laughing because I would love to shower with you, to see you naked and covered with soap, water dripping down your body. But I know that we aren't there yet and it's funny that you would think I would do that."

She groaned before dropping her head into her hands, "now I feel terrible. I projected my fears onto what you would do. You didn't even mean it and yet I went down that hill with no fucking helmet on."

Jk scratched the back of his head a bit, "not really sure what any of that means, but it's fine. No harm, no foul I swear. Now do you want to use my shower or yours? Either is fine with me."

This is it Sky, are you willing to take the step. It's not like you are showering together, you are just using his stuff and sleeping in his bed. "Can I use yours?"

His bunny smile was so fucking adorable and it was making her feel all kinds of things, "of course you can baby. Come on," he rolled off the bed and grabbed her hand dragging her towards the bathroom. He pointed to where everything was, then he handed Sky some of his clothes. "Shower, take your time. I'll be out here when you are ready."

By the time she got out there, he was already showered and in bed. He had her blanket, teddy bear and pillow already on his bed. "Where did you get cleaned up?"

He bit his lip a bit, "I might have used your shower."

"Of course you did, such a goob I swear." But still it was adorable and kinda hot thinking about him naked in her shower. Did he like her shampoo and body wash? Sky's smelled nothing like his, hers was floral and his smelled like all man. A sexy man, that musky woods smell with just a hint of spice underneath it all.

He didn't seem to care at all though, he just smiled and held her closer. "I like the way your stuff smells. It's much sweeter than mine."

"Well yeah. I prefer mine too. I'd much rather smell like my Caress than your Old Spice."

"Not sure what Old Spice is, but I saw the Caress in your shower. It smelled nice so I used it."

She giggled as she nuzzled her head into his chest a bit, "Old Spice is the Earth equivelant of your soap."

"Ah," he snickered. "Makes sense." She hadn't really stopped laughing and Jk really wanted to tease her, "so it's okay for you to laugh at me but when I laugh at you I get hit with a pillow?"

"Yeah, you were mean laughing. I'm laughing because you are being silly."

He flipped them around to where he was hovering above her, amusement shined in both of their eyes. "I'm silly am I?"

"Just a little, maybe."

He was restraining himself, he wanted her so badly but he knew she wasn't ready for that. But with her smelling like him, the primal part of his brain was going crazy. He wanted more than the smell of his soap on her, he wanted her to smell like his cum and to taste her. "Well I guess I'm just silly then." He rolled off of her and pulled her back against him. He can't have what he wants, but he can at least hold her. "I left something in your room for you."

"Is it a surprise or can you tell me what you left?"

Was it a surprise? I mean no it's not, but he put it there so he didn't have to be embarassed about giving it to her. "No it's not a surprise I guess. But do you want me to tell you?"

"No Jk," she flouted. "I would love to be kept in suspense all night long wondering if you reaked havoc on my room or not."

"It's nothing bad, I might have added my desmond to your very impressive collection. That's all."

She rolled over to look at him, gently threading her fingers through his grey hair. "Really?" When he nodded his head yes she smiled, "now I just need one more and I'll have the whole set. You guys are so sweet, still not sure why you keep giving me them since they seem so important but they are so pretty."

"I'm sure Tae will give you his in the morning. He's going to be so excited when he sees what you did for him."

"What we did," she interuptted.

"Sure, the four of us helped. But without you we never even would have thought of it. So it was all you baby."

"N'the baby," she whined with her lips in a full pout. One that reminded him of his two pillow princes so much.

"Okay, not the baby. Get some sleep little mate, because once Tae wakes up, he's going to wake everyone up and that's for sure."

She fell asleep quickly, he wasn't surprised at all. He was actually more surprised that she had been up that long. His hand went to her stomach, there was already a small bump there. It was crazy, she was only a few days pregnant but you could feel the difference. He couldn't wait until it was his turn, his baby in there. He wanted to hold her and feed her yummy food she craved while rubbing her tummy.

"I love you baby, I know you aren't ready and that's why I'm telling you when you are drooling all over my arm. But I do, and I'm not the only one. I just hope that eventually you learn to love us back." Then he fell asleep with his nose in her hair.

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