Chapter 8

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"Stop pouting, you can see it up close again later, when I'm not on my period. I'm about to give you the run down on a few things."

All seven of them sat down on the floor in front of her like obedient little subs, Sky grinned. The only thing that could make this better is if they were sitting in the submissive position vs criss cross applesauce. "Okay boys, do you guys blow each other?"

Confused faces all around, Sky you gotta stop with the Earth lingo. "Do you use your mouths to pleasure each other on your dicks?" They all made cute little round circles with their lips before nodding their heads. "Well girls really like it when you use your tongue on them," she spread her legs so they could see where she was pointing. "This is the clit, it's hella sensitive and if you lick and suck on it enough the girl will orgasm."

Sky looked over and Joon was freaking taking notes, she's going to die at his cuteness. She reached down a little more, "this is where your dick goes, right in here. You move it in and out until you orgasm and then your sperm swim their happy little way to my eggs."

Jimin grinned, "can we try that?"

"Sure cutie, but I have some rules."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, "what rules are those?"

She hopped down and walked over to him pulling her pants up quickly. "Look at me," Sky whispered in a demanding voice. His eyes snapped to hers, "I'm in charge baby, you can't touch me and I ensure that by tying you up. Then I hover over your dick and slowly slide down it, after that I ride you until we cum. If you are a good boy, and do your job well then maybe I'll let you have a next time."

"OMG, me me. That sounds like so much fun, can I do that?"

Sky turned to look into his large grey doe eyes, she smirked as she walked over to Jk. Sky grabbed his grey hair and pulled it back, he gasped a little "do you think you deserve to be first? Aren't you the baby? Odds are whoever goes first will get me pregnant, so you better decide soon who it'll be. You have a week." Then she turned and left.

Hobi looked at his mates, his mind was reeling from everything he learned today. "I want to go first, I.." He looked at Jimin with wide eyes and Jimin looked mad and scared. Time to man up Hobi, "I gave Sky my crest, he, I mean she was so excited when she saw it and when she asked for it I couldn't say no."

"You gave Skylar your fucking crest?"

Jimin and Hobi both squeaked, Yoongi was scary when he was mad. "I couldn't help it. Ask Jimin and Jin, she was so excited about it. Kept saying how pretty it was."

Jimin was nodding along, "she really does love it Yoongi, she's always looking at it. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it. I even thought about giving her mine since it made her so happy."

Yoongi scoffed, "she's a breeder, not your mate."

Now it was Jin's turn to get mad, "tell me you don't enjoy spending time with her? Tell me you'd be okay treating her like other breeders are treated? You know how I feel about their treatment, I never agreed with it. Now that I've gotten to know her, I wouldn't mind her being our mate as well. She's going to have our young, help raise them."

Yoongi was pissed, he's been with some of these guys for nearly a decade now and they've never even spoken about giving each other their crests. They've known Sky a month and she already has one and another one wants to give his away too. It's jealousy, but there's nothing that can be done about it but get over it. The only way to fix this is to talk to her, get to know her better.

20 minutes Yoongi, you get 20 minutes to pout and be mad then you need to suck it up and go talk to her. She's apparently going to be in our lives for a long time now and eventually if you want young you are going to have to have sex with her. He flopped himself down onto his bed and screamed into his pillow. Once he was done he made his way to her room. Sadly Joon beat him there so he just waited for an opening to speak. They didn't even notice that he was standing there.

"Hey Sky can I talk to you for a second?"

She turned around and looked at Joon with a small smile, she really is pretty. "Sure, what's up?"

Joon that goob pulled out his notebook, "is there anything we should know about sex since you are a different gender than us?"

She started laughing, "you know how you guys have a prostate? Well we have a g-spot, if you can find that then it'll give me more pleasure. As well as the clit I showed you earlier."

He was writing everything down, "is there anything special you need for your exclamation point?"

She screwed her face up in confusion and then laughed, "period? Did you mean my period?"

He looked at his notebook and flipped through the pages, "ahh yes, your period. Do you need anything for it?"

She smiled and it was the same smile Jimin does when he wants something, she's about to play him and Yoongi knows that Joon is going to fall for it hook line, and sinker. She walked up to him and ran her hands up his chest to his shoulder. "There really are a lot of things I desperately need. We are still close to Earth aren't we?"

Joon looks like a baby deer that's about to bolt, "yeah we ar.. aree are behind your Moon to stay hidden."

She reached up to pinch his chin, "Joonie," she whispered with a pout on her face. Lord this girl is good. "Can we please go back to Earth? There's stuff in my dorm room that isn't replaceable and it's honestly something I desperately would love to have since you are whisking me away forever."

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