chapter 1- brothers mate

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Skylar p.o.v

I groaned when I heard my mom shouting for us to get up. For whatever reason I felt like something big was going to happen today. I just could not figure out what it was.

I groaned when I realised I have to get up for school. I freaking hate school but on the plus side I get to see aria.

Aria is my bestest friend in the whole world. I love her so much and she has helped me through everything. She is also my crushes sister.

I have had a crush on Jacob since I was little. Myself and aria have been best friends since we came out our mothers stomach. We just clicked straight away.

I groaned again to lost in thought when I heard my mom shout again. This time however it was not at me but at my twin brothers to get up.

I quickly took a shower and got ready for school.

As I made my way into the kitchen I realised xavier was the only one down here. Xander was still nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes knowing that my brother does this evertime. He hates getting up for school.

I kissed my brother on the cheek and my father.

"Good morning." I said then also kissed my moms cheek.

"Good morning ." They replied back.

Just then my mom groaned and charged upstairs to go get my brother up. My dad followed behind her making me giggle.

I heard Xavier let out a chuckle as well.

Finally xander came down the stairs and grabbed some toast and scranned on it. As he did that I went upstairs to grab my bag. As I came back downstairs I hear my dad speak.

"You best get going before your late." My dad said.

"Are you guys ready to go? I am" I said softly.

They nodded there head so I kissed my mom and dads cheek.

"Bye dad and mom." I said kissing his cheek and heading straight for the car.

As we got in the car with xander driving and xavier in the back with me. Mainly because I begged him to come in the back with me and gave him puppy eyes which he can not resist.

On the drive there we talked. Well mainly I talked and they just listened. I'm really excited to see aria I feel I have not seen her in so long even though it was only yesterday.

As we pulled up to school my brothers started acting strange. I could see they were holding back there wolf which confused me as I have never seen them like this before. They looked as though they were mindlinking eachother at one point.

I touched Xavier's arm.

"Are you both okay?" I asked concerned.

He took some deep breathes before responding.

"Yes, we are okay." He said softly before kissing my forehead.

I could tell something was wrong but ket it drop knowing they just will tell me they are fine so I don't worry. I know if it was serious they would tell me.

We got out the car and straight away I spotted aria and jacob. A hugs smile came on my face as myself and aria squealed and hugged eachother. I could see as the twins and Jacob rolled there eyes but we ignored them.

We started heading to class when all of a sudden the twins started sniffing the air. They started walking very fast to the classroom we are suppose to be in.

"What's wrong with them. They are never ever eager to get to class." Aria said seeming confused.

I was just about to agree as I was just as confused when all of a sudden I squealed.

"There mate must be here." I said happily.

A huge smile came to her face as we quickly followed with Jacob behind us. As we got there I could see xavier trying to keep in his wolf and xander was about to charge up to her and claim her when xavier stopped him and told him she is human and it will scare her. I could see that xander froze at that.

I looked at her and she was beautiful. I knee straight away we were going to be great friends. Myself and aria looked at eachother and walked straight to the twins mate to introduce ourselves. She is sat right were we all sit making it easier. I  could see she was nervous and I didn't want her to be so I decided to introduce my self.

"Hello my name is Skylar and this is aria and jacob." I said happily.

She looked confused as to why we are being nice. She probably heard about how "scary" we are but I did not mind as I knew she will find out the real nice us.

"Hello I'm precious it's nice to meet you all." She said seeming really nervous.

We sat down next to her Just as my brothers came up to us. We introduced all of us and sat down. Suprisingly my brother xander even spoke.

We all sat down and out teacher started our class. He like us is a werewolf so he knows now that his future luna is in this class.

We all started class when all of a sudden the twins stormed out the room. Precious looked a little confused but also sad about it making me growl under my breathe about how stupid they are being.

I looked at precious and smiled softly at her.

"Sorry about them" I said softly.

Precious just smiled seeming a little uncomfortable with how everyone was staring at her. I looked at jacob and noticed how he glared at everyone to stop staring at her. At first I felt a little jealous but then I realised it's his future luna. As if feeling my stare he looked over to me and I smiled softly at him while he just nodded at me with a small tilt off his lips.

Jacob over the years has become very cold with everyone. It saddens me because sometimes he is even like that with me. The only one he is always soft with is aria his little sister.

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