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Alexis pov:

Ugh!! Today is August 14, 2022 and ngl today I didnt want to get up and do missions all day. I was laying in bed with my boyfriend Nate cuddling him as he snuggles me. Ngl I love this kinda of Nate he's calm, sweat, loving, and caring but when Nate has his moments it gets worse everytime.  He'll hit me when I say some fucked up shit or when I don't listen to him or hell yell at me and leave coming back all drunk an shit. I love him but, just don't know how to get out of this shitty ass relationship. I remember one time we had an argument and it was pretty heated and he told me this one thing I'll never forget " I never loved you anyway you fucking slut " he said shutting the door in my face, I was dead ass crying but It had me thinking if he ever even loved me in the first place?? Whatever...

I get up not waking Nate up and walk to the bathroom. After that I brushed my teeth and then feel cold strong hands wrap around my waist.

"Mmm baby your hands are cold" I say smiling turning myself towards him
"Sorry love morning" he says kissing my lips
"Morning love, I have to get ready for a mission today " I say getting out of his grip
" Ugh baby your always doing missions just take a day off and lay with me in bed" he says getting an attitude
" Well it's not my fault I have shit to do today Nate " I say raising my voice a little
" Whatever " he says rolling his eyes and walking away

I walk towards him as he sits on the bed I sit next to him.

"Nate I'm not trying to start today you can't get an attitude because I have missions today " I say getting mad and raising my voice

I wasn't scared of Nate cuz yk I'm a spoiled bitch that has an attitude every 12 seconds... But this time I got scared and I just don't know why...

Nate then looks at me and grabs my neck kinda choking me.

" Raise your voice at me again and watch what happens, I will fuck the loving shit out of you if u EVER raise your voice at me like that do you understand you little fucking slut" he says staring at me with the evilest eyes

I nod my head and he grabs my neck tighter

" Words baby girl do u understand " he says smirking
" Y-yes " I say trying to breathe
" Good girl now go do your missions and when you come back I have a surprise for you okay"
"Y-yes " I say stuttering

He then let's go of my neck and leaves the room. I then put my hand on my neck rubbing it from the pain.

( Skipping to when she goes downstairs)

I finally go downstairs seeing Nate talking to my mom. Ngl my mom kinda looked tense but I didn't think to much about it. I walk over to them and sit down on the kitchen stool then my dad walks in.

" Good morning Alexis and Nate " my dad says as he kisses my cheek
" Good morning daddy " I say smiling

Nate looks at me in disgust and says

" Good morning sir "

I then say to my dad

" Hey daddy do I have any missions today I'm just curious" I say
" Yes my princess you do and you have to talk to Vincent Cole hacker he owns me my drugs, I need you to be careful on this one he stronger than you okay so be careful " my dad says hugging me
" It's okay daddy I'll be careful" I say smiling
" Andddd, nates going with you " my dad says looking at Nate

Oh shit ... Nates coming with me, this is gonna be a hell of a journey. But Vincent Cole hacker tho, ngl he's fine asf BUT this means I can't flirt with him because of Nate...

" Daddy I don't really need my boyfriend to come with m- " I say getting cut off
" Alexis what did I say " my dad says
" But daddy " I say giving him the puppy eyes
" Ugh fine but it's up to him " he says looking at Nate
" It's whatever honestly" he says fake smiling at me
" Okay fine but be careful Alexis "
" I will " I say then kiss my dad's cheek and hug my mom

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