"hey, i'm going to have to call you back," the brunette informed him.

"no, don't you da– wheeler? wheeler?"

huffing, eddie looked at tillie, who was watching him in amusement.

"shut up, princess."


MARCH 25TH, 1986
📍reefer rick's boathouse
20:39 PM

"isn't it so weird to think about how a week ago, the craziest thing that had happened was me telling chrissy about us, and now.."

"and now we're suspected killers, but the real killer is someone from a fantasy game i play and there's a whole other world below hawkins?" eddie finished for her. "yeah, i guess it's kind of strange."

tillie smiled, cocking her head to the side and leaning it on eddie's shoulder, who wrapped his arm around her and brought her even closer to him.

"do you think our names have gone public yet?" he mumbled.

"yeah, definitely," she replied. "i'm sure the entire town knows how much of a traitor i am thanks to my mothers big mouth," the blonde said. eddie heard a loud clattering sound outside and looked up worriedly. "honestly, i'm surprised no one's found us yet–"

eddie hastily placed a finger to her lips. "i think someone has," he whispered. "stay here."

cautiously, eddie began shuffling his way towards the window and peeked out of it. "shit," he groaned. "shit. shit."

"what?" tillie asked, heading in his direction. "who is it?

"looks like jason, andy and.. myles," eddie told her as she joined him at the window. the boy quickly grabbed the supercom and desperately tried to contact the others. "hey, dustin. you there? it's eddie and mattie. you remember us, right?" no reply. "hey, if anyone's there, i really think we might be in a bit of trouble here. okay? wheeler?" he slapped the radio out of frustration. "anybody?"

"eddie, what do we do?" tillie queried, a look of panic on her face.

"gonna be honest," eddie replied, just as freaked out. "i don't know. just, stay out of the way of the window," he told her, beginning to try and contact the others again.


MARCH 25TH, 1986
📍reefer rick's boathouse
21:16 PM

it was over half an hour later, and they were still sat anxiously waiting to either be caught, or for the others to come help them.

"dustin. please. are..are you there?"

"eddie," tillie groaned. "they're obviously not there. we've got to think of something else."

"like wha—" eddie started, before his eyes landed on the boat. "come on, help me get it out."

tillie nodded and stood up with him, helping the boy move the boat out onto the lake in hopes of escaping. the two got in it, but eddie was struggling to start the motor.

matilda turned and saw two of the three members of the basketball team on the land no more than ten meters away from them. unluckily, the two members were jason and myles. "shit. shit, eddie," she tapped the boy's shoulder repeatedly, making him turn around.

"hey, freak!" jason hollered at him. "where do you think you're going?"

desperately, eddie began pulling on the engine of the boat, which spluttered heavily in response. "just come on," he panted.

tillie watched as jason began taking off his suit jacket and heading into the water after them. "eddie. eddie, what do i do? what do i do?"

"just try and keep them distracted. i've just got to get this— you piece of shit! come on. gotta help me out here, man."

"jason!" tillie called to him.

"you traitorous little bitch," the blonde boy spat. "how could you stand with the man who did that to chrissy? how could you do that to her?"

"exactly!" tillie said in agreement. "how could i? i could never do that to her. she was my baby sister! listen, there a lot more going on here than you thi—"

"her funeral was today," jason interrupted, him and myles swimming closer towards them. "it was your twin sister's funeral and you weren't there! instead, you were cozying up to the man who killed her. you know, i bet you wanted her dead, didn't you?"

tillie shook her head furiously, trying not to get upset as eddie gave up on the engine and began to paddle them away instead. "jason.."

"you wanted her gone," he told her. "she had everything you didn't have. the good looks, the popularity, the friends, the boyfriend, everything. you wanted to take it all from her. and the only way to do that was to get rid of her completely."

"eddie," tillie hissed to the boy beside her, noticing the two basketball players reaching their boat.

"i'm trying, mattie," eddie stated, before standing up and swinging the oar around to try and keep them away. "stay back!"

"come on, let's go, we almost have them," jason called back to myles, who'd stopped swimming, distracted by something. "hey, myles. myles?"

suddenly, myles seemed to be pulled underwater by something and completely vanished from sight. tillie turned and looked up at eddie in confusion, and saw the boy mirroring her look.

abruptly, myles was thrown out of the water and into the air with his eyes rolled into the back of his head, making tillie gasp. eddie stumbled back in shock, and fell down beside her. he knew what was about to happen all too well.

"eddie.." she whispered, recalling that this was exactly what he'd said had happened to her sister.

"don't look, don't look," he hushed, pulling her head into his shoulder to shield her from the scene.

she heard myles' bones shatter, which made her cringe and bury her face deeper in eddie as he stroked her head soothingly. "it's okay, it's okay. don't look."

a large splash was heard as myles' crushed and lifeless body fell back down into the water beneath.

thankfully, eddie reached over and was tried the motor again, which worked straight away and the two were able to exit the scene swiftly, leaving a crying jason searching the water for the body of his friend.


if you've ever wondered why i never mentioned patrick, here's why..

you're welcome btw xo

WORD COUNT — 1659.

MATILDA, eddie munson.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant