Chapter 4: Two souls collide.

Start from the beginning

You looked at the stunned and scared Fireman... no... no more...pain. You willed the bullet to fire against Fireman and it worked, could you use magic!? You quickly willed your soul's magic to pick up the knife the human had dropped and cut yourself free from the dingy chair. You knew your soul was about to expire but that made you more determined to find Frisk before it could shatter. You coldy walked towards Fireman with a neutral facial expression, that must have scared him quite a bit. "I'll let you go... if you tell me where the kidnapped human child is, if not... I'll show you no mercy and dust you where you stand" You wielded the knife in front of Fireman and he shook in fright, it seems he's not as scary when the victim is untied heh. Fireman quickly tried to run but with your newfound abilities, you levitated him into the air and crashed him uncomfortably hard into the concrete floor. Your magic kind of copied Sans's but he was the only monster you've seen using his magic, so maybe your ability was that of a copycat?

"Wrong answer, tell me or turn into dust" You seethed and Fireman could only resign in defeat, he told you where Frisk was located and that's all you needed. Your time was beginning to wear thin as multiple cracks had formed in your soul, you had to be quick. You found your way through multiple hallways while your soul and body screamed in pain, finally finding the room that supposedly held Frisk, it was a miracle nobody saw you running around, spotty guards you assumed or they were becoming lax in their security, thinking that nobody would be brave enough to try to escape. You opened the door and you saw multiple cages filled with monsters and humans alike, your soul flared in anger causing more cracks but you didn't care, it was time to free everyone from this hell!

You attacked the locks with your knife but it broke, ugh flimsy tools! "Y/N is that you?" Frisk's voice could be heard, it was soft and sounded weak, Frisk stumbled through the crowd of monsters, thank goodness they looked alright.. Frisk looked at your upside down heart in wonder "Can you use magic?" They simply asked you and you nodded, glad that they didn't notice the plethora of cuts on your body and the dark bruise on your neck. "It's uh something I have discovered recently" You didn't bother to explain that your soul would shatter soon and this was just how your soul looked. "I can't use mine... so please here take some of my magic" You gaped as you saw Frisk's red soul float towards yours, it bumped into your soul and left red glowing smoke inside your heart.

You felt... amazing, the dull aching pain in your body had stopped and you felt like you could do anything, though your wounds on your physical body didn't heal nor your soul cracks. You didn't think and just did what you felt was natural, a long but sharp piece of glass took shape in your hand, its outline was dusted in red colour, probably from Frisk's magic you were now using. You attacked the locks with your newly formed weapon and the lock gave away with only one hit, you quickly went to unlock all the other cages. All of the monsters and humans were now free from their cages and they thanked you profusely, after this you'll be sure to rest well in heaven or were you going to hell? Eh didn't matter. You put Frisk on your back and you told them to hold as tightly they could onto you. You were determined to find an exit and if people stood in your way well then they're going down with you.

Amidst the total chaos, Sans and Papyrus had finally infiltrated inside the building, some monsters had managed to escape. Mumblings about a human being able to wield magic had caught Sans's ears, that couldn't be you could it? They searched everywhere and destroyed every cage lock they came across, some were even already unlocked. Sans had examined the broken locks and it had been destroyed by what looked like quite the force of magic, too much power to just break a few locks anyhow. Suddenly Papyrus saw a running human and quickly after that of a glass looking object flying towards the human, Papyrus hurriedly alerted Sans. "I told you to get the fuck outta my way!" Papyrus's mood lifted, that was your voice! He could excuse the use of language in this situation. The glass shard had only grazed the human and they were now cowering as you walked past them. Papyrus quickly ran towards you, catching you off guard as you saw a blur of orange picking you up along with Frisk. You were lucky that he somehow didn't notice your protruding soul or the injuries you had gotten on your body.

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