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It's been almost a week now since I had been discharged from the hospital. Father stayed with me for a few days and was forced to leave because of his duties. Emanuele had stayed by my side this whole time. He was there from when I woke up in the morning till the time I fell asleep at night. He would make me take my pills on time and have all meals. He would read me a book at night and he is on his feet all the time.

Philip, Belle and Damien helped a lot too. They would be just one call away. Everything had slowly started to go back to normal. Our break had already started, and I had to collect the assignments, that were given when I was in the hospital. Thus, I was still at school for a day, all alone.

Emanuele wanted to stay back but he had to organise a ball at his palace and had to leave. Before going he asked me to join the ball as his date, where he would officially introduce me to his grandparents.

I couldn't wait for the day to end. I have a whole week until the ball but till then I had to choose what to wear, go shopping for stuff, get a present for his grandparents, there was just so much to do.


Today is the day. The day I meet Emanuele's grandparents. I am nervous. What if they don't like me? I need to give them a good impression of me. They are very important to Emanuele. They raised him after his parents were assassinated.

I was lost in my thoughts when Briar entered my room.

"I'm panicking, do something!"
"Deep breaths, take deep breaths. Close your eyes and clear your mind."

I sat up and did as she asked me to do. I felt much more relaxed. I opened my eyes to Briar holding a bag in her hand. It was my dress for the ball. It was a lovely white and pink dress with embroidered flowers and little cloth roses stitched to it. Briar chose a pretty pair of ballerinas that match the dress. She picked a beautiful set of a necklace, earrings and a bracelet with pink flowers on them. She packed all of it and got a helper to put it all with the other luggage.

I freshen up and get dressed to leave. I wore a cream off shoulders dress with a pearl necklace. I go downstairs, to meet father before I leave. He was talking to the general back faced me. I walk up to him and catch the general's eye. My father turns back and looks at me with joyous eyes. His eyes started to tear up.

"Look at my little girl all grown up and beautiful." He said holding my hands.

"Aww, Dad."

"It was just yesterday when you just took your first step and today you're going to your first ball. My little princess."

I embrace him in a soft hug.

"Okay now, you should go. You don't want to be late for your first ball." He said wiping his eyes.

"Okay dad, I love you!"

"I love you too, bye!"

I walked up to the roof, to the chopper. I get in and sit in the middle seat, two bodyguards sat by both sides. Briar sat across from me. I was supposed to stay there for a night and return a day or two later.

It was somewhat a long ride there. It took us about an hour to reach Asterin. I peek outside as we were landing to see Emanuele there to receive us. He was all dressed up and holding a bouquet in his hand. I get down and speed walk to him.

"Emanuele! You look fanciable!"

"Sofia! I'm out of words to describe your beauty!"

He hands me the bouquet, gives a peck on my lips and hugs me. He holds me by the waist as we start walking towards the car.

"So, are you excited to meet my grandparents?" He asked me as we get into the car.

"So excited but nervous at the same time. I haven't done this before you know, what if I mess up or speak something offending or-"

I was cut off as Emanuele pulled me in for a long tender kiss. I closed my eyes and melted into it. After a long moment we broke it off, he rested his forehead against mine and we stayed like that for a minute, eyes closed.

"You have absolutely nothing to be nervous about, you are perfect just the way you are and I wouldn't change a thing about you." He said softly.

His words made me feel lightened up. His words filled me with euphoria. The euphoria that I couldn't express with mere words or expression but only feel deep in my heart. I could feel my heartbeat rise and blood rushing to my face and all I could do was smile and embrace Emanuele in a long hug.

After a tender moment, we separate. After a while, I filled him in with events that had occurred in the past week. It was mostly about shopping and spending time with Belle but it was normal and fun. He filled me in about his week and how he had been busy making this a perfect ball because he knew this was my first.

I felt so touched by this. Except for my dad, no one had ever done something so special for me. I felt like I was on cloud lucky seven, to find a man so kind, thoughtful and handsome. It was like a dream come true.

We finally reach his palace, his grandparents were waiting at the door to welcome us. We get off the car and start walking towards the palace doors. The herald announces my name. I walk in front of his majesty and her majesty and courtesy.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Sofia!" The King (grandfather) said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too your majesty!"

"Come princess Sofia let's head inside and talk, we have heard so much about you from our grandson."

"Yes, your majesties and only Sofia would be just right."

"Sofia then but on one condition, that is you call us grandfather and grandmother." They tell me with smiles on their faces. I smile and follow them inside with Emanuele by my side.

"Your home is magnificent." I tell him.

"Thanks, it's all thanks to grandpa and grandma, they built it from scratch after the 2001 earthquake. I'll give you a tour after the ball but first let me show you to your room so can freshen up and rest if you want to."

He grabs my hand and leads me into a corridor. He opened a door to a beautiful room.

"This is your room. Do you like it?"

"It's absolutely breathtaking!"

"I designed it myself." He gave me a big smile.

"You my sir have done a fine job." I compliment him.

"Thank youu, okay I'll leave you alone now to get fresh and see you later."

He leaves my room saying this. I sit down on the bed and take out my phone. I text Belle about her whereabouts. She texts me that she will be arriving shortly. So will Damien and Philip.

I lie down on the bed and imagine what the evening would be like, I close my eyes and try to picture the evening. With everyone dancing around me. Emanuele coming to me to ask for a dance. We dance the whole evening and at the end of the night, he announced that we are together and kissed me in front of everyone. It would be truly magical.


Hello lovely readers I'm back! I would like to apologise for the delay in the story 😞. I was occupied with examinations and had to put the story on hold for the period 😅. I'm so sorry, but do not fret for I'm back to continue the story.

Happy reading💗.


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