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I convinced my father to let me go shopping.. with Isabelle on his condition that I would take extra security with me.

I meet her at the entrance of the mall with two bodyguards (one man, one woman) on each side. We went to many different stores and got many different outfits. After hours of shopping for clothes, stationery and essentials we finally took a break and went to a coffee shop. It was a little café. It wasn't crowded but because it was small almost all the seats were taken. We quickly found a table. I decided to order a mocha and Isabelle ordered a decaf latte.

We got our drinks and were chatting when two young men about our age approached us. One of them had blonde hair and green eyes and the other had dark hair with black eyes.
"Hello! We're sorry to interrupt you but could we take these seats?" Said the one with blond hair.
"Umm... sure," I said

They kept their bags on the floor and sat on the chair.
"Thank you so much! You are a life saver! We have been on our feet for hours and when we finally came here all the tables were full." Said the blond one.
"Oh, it's our pleasure Mr. ?" Isabelle questioned.
"Philip! My name's Philip and this is Emanuele."
Emanuele gave us a little smile and a shy wave to us. It's now that I realised that he hadn't spoken a word since they came. He was however very attractive.
"I'm Isabelle and this is Sofia it's nice to meet you!"
"It's lovely to meet you too!" Philip said. "So, are you here for school shopping?" He asked.
"Yes, yes we are here for that." She replied. "You too?" She added.
"Coincidently, yes!" He chuckled.
"Wait are you going to Amaryllis too?"
"OH MY GOD YES! YOU TOO?" He said excitedly.
"Let me guess you are Princess Isabelle of Ardonia?"
"Well yes that is me and this is Princess Sofia of Vilodia."
"Oh my god! This is so exciting! I have heard so much about your kingdoms."
"Okay, my chance you are Prince Philip of Velaris!"
"Yes, that is indisputably me and this is Prince Emanuele of Asterin."
"WOW, those are two of the most powerful kingdoms in the world!"

Up until now Emanuele and I hadn't spoken a single word. We just smiled and looked. It was kinda awkward whenever we made eye contact. We soon finished our coffees and bid goodbye.

"You know what?" Isabelle asked me as we sat in the car.
"What?" I ask her.
"Philip was very interesting!" She said with an almost straight face.
"Oooh, do I sense a crush here." I say dramatically.
"Oh Sofia, dear Sofia, yes of course you sense a crush!" She played along. "What about you? You were so quiet there!"
"Well, that is because I lack basic sense of socializing."
"Yeah well, I'm not even shocked. You haven't communicated properly with people!"

On our ride back home Isabelle told me about her school and about her experience at Amaryllis from when she visited.
She said it has a huge campus with residential areas for students. It has little two-story cottages that were built with all kinds of facilities to keep the students in comfort. They have all kinds of different kinds of sports fields and the teachers are the ones best in their subject line. In short, it was completely heavenly!

We soon reach my place. I thank Isabelle for a wonderful time and see her off. I quickly go up to my father's study and knock on the door.
"Come in!"
"Father! I'm back!"
"Sofia! You had fun?" He asks me.
"Oh yes, Father and guess whom I met."
"Prince Philip of Velaris and Prince Emanuele of Asterin! They will be going to Amaryllis too!"
"Heavens Sofia that is great! Making friends already!"
He gives me a cheerful and funny smile to which I chuckle. I show him all the shopping I did and tell him everything Isabelle told me about Amaryllis.

At Dinner, I was still in full bloom because I will be leaving for college soon and I couldn't wait to see it with my own eyes.

My excitement was perhaps too noticeable because not long after Cynthia asked me about it with disgust on her face.
"Well, it's just that I'll be going to college soon." I told her with a smile on my face.
"Ha! You're excited because you will be going to college! What a loser!" She said to my face.
Father looked up from eating and was about to say something but I stopped him. It's long time I start to stand up for myself.
"Well, have you decided where you want to go for college?" I ask her confidently.
"No. I don't think I want to go to college!"
"Do you even have any plans for your future like what you want to do.? I tell her in a slightly angry tone.
"Sofia! Do you have any manners left or not?" Hilda looked at me furiously.
I don't answer her and start eating my dinner again. There goes my excitement.

After dinner, I decide to go to my secret safe place. It was a little garden with a hammock and a little Fort where I could keep food, books and blankets. The only people who knew about this garden were our gardeners who would maintain the place and keep it in shape and father.

I go inside my little Fort and go straight to my shelf where I kept my books and decide on what book I shall read. I choose to read pride and prejudice an all-time favourite. I also take a can of flavoured milk and sleep on my hammock while reading. I fell asleep not long after.

Here you go with the second chapter. Hope you all are enjoying it so far. Do comment.

Happy reading!


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