Chap 20

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"What?! You let him in?!, That's why we gave you the house to keep you safe and you just invited him in?!" Damon yelled waving his hands around wildly.

"We have a plan Damon."Elena said trying to calm him down a little.

"Please enlighten me elena what is this plan that you and the original have come up with?" Damon went on and him and elena argued.

I tuned back in when elijah said.

"An apology." I did a spit take at that one. Literally it went so far it hit Stefan in the face. I laughed under my breath. Stefan then walked over to Elijah shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry for the past I played in your death, I was protecting elena I will always protect elena." Stefan said looking at elena in the end.

"Oh get a room." I said covering my eyes. Stefan laughed at my behavior and sat in my lap before I could stop him. "Get you fat arse off me." I said pushing on his back. He shook his butt on me not getting off. We were in are own little world that we didn't hear most of the conversation.

"And you trust him?" Damon asked.

"I do." Elena confirmed.

"And how about you?" He turned to me.

"More than you thought now." I said setting the look in his eyes that he was going to end up doing something stupid.

"Your both idiots." Damon said walking away.

"Not worry he'll come around." Stefan said. "He's just a little up set." He said not getting off my lap. Elena walked over sitting on Stefan's lap.

"Your goin to kill me." I said out of breathes.

"You can't die." Was stefan response. Elena went after Damon getting off of Stefan and me. I then pushed Stefan really hard making him land on his butt.

"Go make sure your girlfriend and Damon are ok." I said making him walk up the stairs when I heard elena let out a yell. Stefan zoomed up the stairs but I stayed on the couch. I listen to what they were saying. I guess Damon fed elena some of his blood so she would come back as a vampire. I stood up as elijah started to pack up the potion he had. Elena and Stefan walked down the stairs elena close to tears.

"I guess you won't be needing this anymore."Elijah said picking the box off the table.

"And it's time for me to leave town." I said walking up stairs then back down with a suitcase. Stefan gave me a look.

No I am not going to hug her I'm not going to do it I'm not good with comforting people anything anything at all I will most likely do it but the hugging

He gave me another look but I didn't move. Elena looked at my and ran up to me wrapping her arms around me. Stefan and elijah watched to see what would happen next.

My body tensed at the contact but I then wrapped my arms around her.....a little...

"There there?" I said but it was more of a question to know if I was doing this right. "Hey do you want to go hand out with Bonnie?" I asked and she shook her hand her arms still around me. "How about Caroline?" I was practically begging. She shook her head again. "Ok." I paused. "How about you and stefan take the day and live your last day as human?" I said holding my breath. She hesitated but nodded her hand. I let out a the breath I was holding and handed her over to Stefan. She latched onto him and I was on the clear.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked whispering so elena wouldn't hear.

"I'm out, done, gone." I said whispering as well.

"Now?" He asked.

"I told Damon that the day Elena became a vampire I was leaving town."

"He didn't tell me that."

"Not my fault." I said back.

"She's not a vampire yet so don't leave yet....promise?" He asked hopefully giving me puppy dog eyes. I glared at him but sighed saying I would stay. Just then there was a crash in the kitchen.


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