Chapter 12: Field Of Wheat

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When we got to Level 10, the first thing I noticed was that there was an insane amount of wheat both sides of the dirt road we ended up on. Kash gave us a brief explanation, and we set off. From time to time, we saw these weird looking creatures that looked like huge pancakes stacked on one another, sometimes eating the wheat in the field.

As we walked, we passed by barns and houses and we decided to explore one of them. As we explored one of the barns, we constantly heard animal noises such as mooing that wouldn't go away until we left the barn, although there weren't any animals in the barn. In all, we found a few batteries, which was good since our flashlights were due for a battery change.

As we walked, we came across an outpost belonging to the B.N.T.G, which used to be part of M.E.G but branched off. We were welcomed with open arms and we spent our time there trading for more useful supplies. While we were there, a B.N.T.G operative wearing a vest and rubber boots whose name tag said "Clair" overheard our conversation about going to Level 11 and broke bad news to us.

"Sorry, folks, the entrance to Level 11 from here is closed." I stared at her in disbelief. "What do you mean, closed?!" She sighed and said, "Well, normally you could enter a random house from Level 10 to get to Level 11, but as of now none of the doors are working." Suddenly, a few shouts of alarm were heard. Nearby, a train appeared in the middle of the outpost, but it somehow didn't damage any of the structures. Clair grinned, and said, "Well, I guess it's your lucky day, kiddos. Hop onto The Metro, and it should take you to Level 11."

As we began to climb aboard, we noticed Clair climbing on with us. "What? I'm due a vacation, and Level 11 is a hotspot after all." As we sat down on the plastic seats and it began to move. The speed was so instantaneous, I almost flew out of my seat. As we traveled, I noticed that we were clipping through different levels, from malls to deserts to beaches, until we finally got to Level 11.

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