Chapter 10: Cave System

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When we got onto dry land, I immediately started doing CPR on Kash. "Dammit, Kash!" I shouted. As I was starting to lose hope, she spit out a mouthful of water and her eyes flew open. "Wha-?" She couldn't finish the sentence before a screech echoed in the cave. We turned around to see a human-sized spider running at us. Picking herself up, Kash stared to run, as did we.

We hid behind rocks as the spider dashed past us, oblivious to the fact that it passed us. When it was gone, Kash explained what happened. "I crashed into a rock and released my breath." For the rest of the level, we avoided Arachnids of Level 8, Hounds, Clumps and the likes. Halfway into the level, the ground started shaking violently beneath me.

"Columbus! Jump forward!" Ky shouted. As soon as I jumped, the ground erupted and a thing with muscular arms and several beady eyes came out of the ground. I sprayed Liquid Pain on it and it writhed on the floor in pain. Jay sprayed it with pyroil until we were sure it was dead. "Reviooks," Kash muttered. "I forgot these things were in this level."

Not long after, I spotted a shadow hiding behind a rock. When I turned around, it retreated. "Hey! There's someone there!" I told the others. We followed them through the level, spraying any entity that came close to us. As I ran, I vaguely considered that it may be the person we were looking for, since he took interest in me in Level 1. Eventually, the person jumped into the floor and disappeared.

I looked at Kash questioningly, and she said, "I guess we No-Clip." First was Ky. She did it with relative ease, then Kash. Jay had some problem, only managing it on the third try. As I was about to jump in, something hit me from the side. I turned and saw a clump trying to bite me, which I kicked into a wall.

It dashed at me, but before it could make contact, it caught on fire and stopped short of me. I was confused, until I saw a man holding a Squirt Gun. He wore a vest that said M.E.G on it, and I made the connection immediately. I thanked him for his help and jumped into the spot where my friends went, transporting me to Level 9.

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