Chapter 9: Thalassophobia

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The room we ended up in was dry for the most part, except the floor was covered in a shallow layer of water, like a really big puddle. The room was pretty well furnished, and there was a staircase on the other side of a door at the opposite end of the room. Then, I realized that there was something...strange about the outside. The ocean of Level 7 was vertically beside the door, making it very disorienting.

Kash told us that if we stood in front of the door, we would fall straight to the ocean since our gravity would be adjusted to that of the ocean. The best way to exit to Level 8 was to dive straight down until we found a cave about six kilometers below the surface. "What? That's crazy! None of us can hold our breath for that long!" Jay exclaimed.

In response, Kash said, "The properties of the air here somehow allow us to hold our breath for longer, such as 30 minutes, and if you're really good at holding your breath, an hour. Anyways, the only things to worry about are the two entities that live on this level, but as long as you don't engage with them you should be fine."

The exit was straight down, so Kash found a ziplock bag to put the information paper in and we gulped in a big mouthful of air and descended. At first, the sudden change in gravity surprised me, making me exhale some air, but I was able to gulp in more before we hit the water.

The way was relatively straightforward, but we had an... encounter with the Thing on Level 7, which is literally its name. It was a large fish-like thing that came close to us, specifically Jay. He went still, not daring to make a move or sound, and it thankfully went away.

I started to feel out of breath half an hour in, but thankfully the exit was just a few meters away. Suddenly, I heard Ky cry out. When I looked back, I saw that Kash had passed out. Reacting quick, I swam to her and started to carry her towards the exit. Just as I felt that I couldn't hold my breath any longer, we burst out of the water and into Level 8.

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