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"I have to tell you something" I walked towards Nate as soon as he got out of the kitchen. We had just had dinner and that was the perfect time to tell him. I'd known for two days now but just couldn't gather the courage to tell him.

"What is it?"

I didn't find any other subtle or romantic or special way to tell him. Just blurted out whatever it was and expected the worst.

"I'm pregnant"

I waited for his reaction, and his eyes widened as his mouth slightly parted in surprise. He stepped toward me and held my hand in his. His reaction was already scaring me because he was calm.

"Are you serious?" He scoffed and looked at me with amazement and disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes, I found out two days ago—"

"That's great!" He exclaimed like it was any other good news I give him. As if it doesn't change our entire lives.

"Didn't you hear me?"

"I heard you, babe and this is amazing" he kissed me, hard, and put his arms around my stomach "We're gonna be a family," he said in glee like he was genuinely happy about it, and kissed the side of my head as he pulled me into his chest.

His embrace tightened, and he was chuckling in happiness then. It was enough to kill me with the guilt that I wasn't happy still. I didn't share his excitement if it's true at all.

"Josephine?" My mum's voice brings me back from my head. Whenever I feel anxious again, my mind takes me back to the night a month ago when I told Nate I was pregnant.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant right now and today we have this huge party for us, courtesy of my dad and Nate, which is the last thing I need right now but I am putting up huge smiles for everyone. My mum and family flew from Australia just for this, and I can't let anyone get a hint that I am in any way upset about this pregnancy.

"I have to pee, I'll be right back," I tell my mum, and she nods giving me a pitying look since I've been going to the bathroom probably more than I have in my entire life in these past few weeks. And she understands me, well because she's my mom.

She's the only person I haven't been irritated to be around. Her and Hero.

I've been calling him multiple times a week, almost daily, because he listens to me. Moreover, he listens to me like he wants to listen to me, and gives me the best advice for the silliest things ever.

Dialing him as I sit down on the toilet seat, I impatiently wait for him to pick up. A few rings later when I almost give up hope, his voice enters my ear and I get a feeling of warmth down my body.

"Yes, Jo"

"You're coming tonight, right?" I ask referring to the party as Hero and Gabriel were the only friends I could invite. Rest everyone is from dad and Nate's office or a few relatives or I don't even know.

"I'll try my best, promise," he says and I frown at the fact that there is a chance he may not come.

"Please come. I don't even know what to wear. I don't look good in any of my clothes anymore" I whine as I remember my mum had me change twenty times to select a dress that I don't even like.

"Very posh of your fiancé to keep a black-tie-themed party to celebrate pregnancy"

"I know I didn't have a say in anything. I'm nothing more than a guest, to be honest. I don't even want to attend this party, Hero. I am not ready to put up fake smiles and act like everything is top and I'm not losing my mind about this pregnancy. I just feel like... ugh I don't know"

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