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"Good morning, Captain" I greet as his tall figure enters the airplane, his blazer resting on his arm as his green eyes flash a twinkle at me, accompanied by a quick warm smile.

"Morning" his voice comes out hoarse, indicating his lack of sleep, and he walks right past me without further chit-chat.

It's been a rough time at home, ever since Nate and mine arguments are taking a drastic turn, increasing day by day. But the only thing I'm deep down happy about is the heroic entrance of Hero into my life. It has been a couple of weeks since we first met, the day he found me in the corridor crying, and also turned out to be the captain of my plane. Somehow we clicked instantly, after the embarrassment in me settled, and he assured me that I could count on him to respect my privacy, he made me feel a bit relaxed about the awkward situation.

Even though we haven't had many flights together after that, this would be our third time flying together, he has been checking on me once in a while to make sure I'm doing okay. But what intrigues me the most is that I don't know anything about him, just that he's a nice, charming,  human being. He is more of a listener than a speaker actually, which leaves me with mystery. I keep myself busy with the assumptions of what he might be like off-duty, and that is completely fine by me unless he turns out to be a killer with a dark background.

*I'm sorry, Jo. Let me make it up to you when you get back? Love you*

Nate's text reads, and I lock the screen with a sigh, not feeling necessary to reply to him after he lashed out at me again. I really do love him, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the disrespect he treats me with. But again, I don't even have an option but to endure.

"Jo, can I get a strong coffee, please?" Hero's raspy voice brings me back from my thoughts, and I find his tall figure standing behind me.

"Of course," I quickly respond, shoving my phone into my pocket and turning towards the drinks table.

"The strongest you can make, yeah?" he adds, now resting his back on the doorframe-- which is cut to his height-- and his hands folded across his chest.

"Yes captain"

"Oh cut that shit, you know you don't have to call me that. I'm just Hero for you, okay?"

"I know" He had told me long ago not to be so formal with him, but I refused because we had been instructed a certain way but then it just turned into me teasing him, and enjoying the way he gets irritated when I refer to him as a superior authority.

"Are you okay? You look tired" I ask, knowing he might just brush me off and make a random excuse. But I strongly hope he lets me in because I worry for him sometimes, not that I should.

"It's been a really hectic month, you know that right? I've been exhausted" he sighs, his tiredness radiating through his posture— which makes me wonder how he's going to survive this flight without dozing off.

"I suggest you take a few weeks off. It is you only that keeps taking on flights in your schedule so you can't even blame anyone but yourself"

"I know" he lets out an exasperated breath, gripping the coffee cup in his hand. I really want to press it and know what's up with him, because I can't unsee the bags under his eyes. Does he drink? Or has some serious issues? Because all this should be taken into consideration when you carry the responsibility for more than 300 people's lives.

"Cheers" he doesn't let me have an opportunity to ask him further questions and walks away again towards the cockpit— leaving me with several doubts. But I know that he's not one of the people that can't be trusted, which is obviously why he has been promoted to Captain this year.

"Good morning, Hero" another member of the crew enters, wishing him as she walks inside with a huge greeting smile on her face.

"It's Captain" he mumbles in her direction without stopping in his tracts and disappears before he could get a reaction out of her. He confuses me sometimes, but I don't let it consume his image in my mind.

"He's so moody" she whispers, joining me with a smirk on her face, "he wasn't like this last night" she emphasizes in her sentence, trying to make it not so subtly clear that she slept with him— not that I care. I really am happy at least he's getting one way of stress relief, and what he does in his private time is none of my business. She clearly thought she could jump on the first-name basis after they've had sex, but I guess not. Even though it was rude and unexpected of him, deep down it proves that we, without having any 'relationship' whatsoever, are moving forward to a good friendship and that's enough for me.

"Well, i think he's just tired" I utter before making an exit from there, and proceed to check the plane before the passengers arrive in a few minutes. It is hard, being a flight attendant, and having the responsibility to make sure everyone traveling is comfortable and safe. But that's what I love about my job— the access to serve and ensure they enjoy their journey. It gives me a sense of relief and happiness knowing that I can make someone's life a little better, whilst I can do nothing with mine.

The minute before we open the door for passengers to enter, I decided to touch up and make sure I'm presentable. Standing in front of the small mirror in the washroom, I take a deep breath as the red swelling above my cheek, with a cut that refuses to heal, begins to show again— the heavy amount of makeup didn't do enough to cover it, or clearly, it has started wearing off. The last thing I want is for my wound to show, and have someone question me about it.

It was the first time. And the last. He promised.

I remind myself, giving any amount of satisfaction I can get in my mind.

"Jo we're ready to open" a knock rings through the small washroom, and I nod to myself— mentally preparing to survive the day without thinking about it.

"In a second" I reply, controlling the lump in my throat which causes my voice to crack, and quickly attempt to hide the redness again.

After washing my hands and forcing a genuine greeting smile on my lips, I open the door and start doing the thing I love the most— greeting and interacting with the passengers.


"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Hero Fiennes Tiffin and I'm in charge of this flight BA 283, London Heathrow to Los Angeles CA, alongside my co-pilot Maureen Khair who will be assisting me— the distance is 5442 miles and we expect to cover it in 11 hours and 15 minutes. The time is now 9:50 am. I'm going to try and make it as smooth as possible for you, and the weather seems to be in our favor today too. I hope you have the best of journey people; thank you"

I love the way he always speaks so mellow on speaker, releasing half the tension of the people flying for the first time or are scared to travel by air.

This is my first long haul flight after Miami too, where I didn't get to take a break alas, but I'm hoping to cease a few days to myself this trip. Especially after what happened back at home, I'd love nothing more than that.


Author's note

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I sincerely apologise for updating after so long, but I'm just glad that I am writing again 😭

tough times have passed at last, and I hope to capture your love and interest again for this story! 🧡

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