Chapter 2

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Parker's POV

Finally after 2 hours crammed in a car we arrived at the house. I have to say it wasn't what I was expecting at all. The lake was right across the street and there was woods all around the house. I kinda like going on adventures so when I saw all the unmarked trails I got pretty excited. I went inside and unpacked all of my things. I then changed into my white nike sneakers, black shorts, and a cropped white shirt. I wore my pink bathing suit under it just in case I wanted to go for a swim later on. I then put my hair in a messy bun. After a little while of sitting in the house I got bored and told my aunt I was going to go for a walk and I would be back later. She said she was fine with it because it was a save desolate neighborhood. I saw one trail that led to the lake and so I decided to go down it.

Ethan's POV

I am so happy my parents got this house for the summer. It's going to be great to get away from everything for a little while. Grayson was sleeping so I figured I would go for a walk. I decided to go down this path that I was pretty sure led to the lake.

Parker's POV

I finally got finished walking to the trail and come upon the lake. There was a big boulder that was flat on top which was perfect because I really wanted to sit down. I sat there for a good 15 minutes relaxed. I then took off my shoes and dipped my feet into the water. I thought I heard a noise but I didn't think anything of it

Ethan's POV

I finally came to the end of the trail and found the lake. I was about to go and jump into the water but then I realized that there was a girl sitting on the boulder. She was so beautiful and so I decided to just wait. I saw a deer and I wanted to go follow it. But I after like three steps I tripped and fell straight into the mud. I decided I had to go into the lake and wash it off and I would finally get to say hi to this girl.

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