chapter 3 explanation, family rage, salem fall and summer rescue

Start from the beginning

(An rin survive and unable contact them until years later)
An rin: sigh ren Nora im upset you abandon your former leader for paper.
Ren: i know.
Nora: im sorry.
An rin: i know your hurt by his action but does not give you right abandoned him and bully him without explanation.

Slap came as pyhrra see her mother hit her abd angry with her father.
Pyhrra: mom.....
Mrs.nikos: don't mom me pyhrra, boy you scold and kick him out for paper just disgrace you did.
Mr.nikos: pyhrra niko you know better then bully and abandon jaune just low!!!
Pyhrra: he fake his away......
Mr.nikos: pyhrra i fake my way as well.
Pyhrra eyes widen and her mother agree. Her mother explain her father fake his away so he can help people. Not for fame and fortune, pyhrra look down and wonder jaune is like her father.
Pyhrra:'im sorry jaune!!!'

But hear yelling and kick from Joseph arc on john.
John: father in law i..
A kick to face, which sent him to wall, and Joseph look at jaune family.
Joseph then calm down and look at john who got up and jaune ex family help him.
Joseph: elders make decision that jaune restate as arc, and new heir to arc.
John: what!!!!
Elisabeth: father jaune cant he is....
A slap to her as joseph have enough and tell them right now.
Joseph: we Arc stand for help others in need, and dont care about fame or fortune. Arc care for helping people and be hero for their future.
Jaune sister look down as joseph took cores mores and head towards exit.
Joseph: i be looking for my grandson and inform hin he well be heir to arc.
He left as john got mad as her Elisabeth look down and remaining family crys. But Alister upset his plan failed get arc arrest, but he plan use his puppet control on nikos family, but suddenly.
???: how dare you steal my identity!!!

Ozpin: umm who are you? Alister: name Alister Phoenix and that man is fraud! Everyone: What!!!! Fake alister: what you talking about im real alister

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Ozpin: umm who are you?
Alister: name Alister Phoenix and that man is fraud!
Everyone: What!!!!
Fake alister: what you talking about im real alister.
Ailster: oh really then you should know who is my best freind.
Fake alister: umm well is......uh.
Real Alister: question is jaune arc, he is my freind from childhood.
Fake alister: god damn it!
Police surrond him fast, put on aura seal and semblance cuff as well. As he was arrest for fraud. They got his real id, and find out his real name.
Poilce 1: sDrake Henderson, master theft, fraid and connetion to underworld.
Teams fall for fraud and worst pyhrra date that man.
Alister: exuse me professor ozpin, can you tell me where jaune arc is.
Ozpin: umm let glynda show.
Alister: thank you.
Glynda show him where jaune as everyone are asking question.
Everyone:'what just happen....'

In unkown location, where a castle with darkness aura. Insideis salem inner circle, and consit of group.
Salem, hazel, watts, tyrain, cinder, mercury and emerald.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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