"Well thank the Lord! I'm too young to be a grandma," she smiled.

"Ok well I—um—just wanted to tell you that Robin and I...aren't just—uhfriends," I revealed and as soon as I did my head dropped to the ground scared of what she might say.

"I know. You two are the most secretive pair," she said letting out a small laugh.

"You aren't mad?" I questioned looking back up at her.

"No of course not! I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that. I love you and I always will Danielle. You're my daughter and nothing can change that," she gave me a small kiss on my forehead with a smile across her face. "Have you told your dad yet?"

"No not yet. Please don't tell him," I asked of her.

"I won't. Don't worry. Well I'll let you finish getting ready," she smiled before leaving my bedroom. This truly is one of the happiest days of my life. I sat back down in my chair in front of the mirror and started doing my makeup. I applied blush, eye shadow, and mascara before I saw the door open from the corner of my eye. When I turned to the side I saw Serena standing there with a big smile plastered across her face.

"Senior homecoming!" she practically squealed running over to me. Serena had her hair curled and slightly teased with some of her hair pulled up in the back with a matching blue ribbon to her dress. Her dress is a teal kind of color with a similar look to mine. "I'm so excited!" she said flopping onto my bed as I applied lip gloss to my lips.

"Me too!" I replied getting up from my chair and walking over to her. I reached my hands out for her to help her sit back up. "So I have reservations for us at Enzo's tonight before the dance," I smiled as she sat up.

"Thank god! I've barely eaten today," she revealed to me, which made me concerned for her as something similar to this had happened before.

"Serena, is it happening again?" I asked looking at her seriously.

"No, I've just been busy! Don't worry about it!" she put a smile on her face as she jumped off my bed grabbing my hand and walking me to the door. "Your dates here," she smiled and I looked at her confused cause I had never told her about Robin and I.

"Date? What date?" I asked playing dumb.

"I'm not stupid D," she told me with a small laugh before leaving my room and walking down the stairs running over to Iris. Iris had a much more simple cut dress that was black and just had straight hair. I then walked down the stairs seeing my mom ready with the camera. Once I made it down to the last step I posed in a joking way, but my mom still snapped a pic.

"Ok girls! All together in front of the fire place!" she said with a smile on her face. We all did as told, Robin and me beside each other, and Iris and Serena beside each other. We all put a big smile on our faces. My mom had us take several pictures before she allowed us to leave. Before we did I gave my dad a hug and headed out the front door.


Once we finished eating we headed straight to the school. I could feel the butterfly's in my stomach from excitement. As we reached the entrance to the school there was a guy with a large video camera and a microphone attached. "Danielle!" he yelled out waving his hand over to us. We made our way over to the boy who had on a suit that seemed to be a little bit too big for him. "State your name," he said holding out the mike to each of us.

soft, robin buckley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang