Chapter One

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A loud groan comes from my throat when I reach the third floor, thank God

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A loud groan comes from my throat when I reach the third floor, thank God. Goddamn elevator.

The cardboard box in my hands falls onto the concrete and breaks open, kitchen supplies spilling everywhere, "Come the fuck on!" I stomp my foot like a child before putting my back against room 167, my new dorm.

I rub my palms against my eyes, if only my mom could have made it, this would have been so much easier.

My knee bounces nervously when I think about tomorrow, my first day at Westbrook University. When I first applied, I fully expected the disappointment of not getting in but the second I saw "We are glad to..." I jumped out of my seat at Westbrook High and screamed.

It wasn't a top Ivy League University but the writing program here was out of this world.

I run my hand through my red hair and sigh. I guess I have to finish this eventually. I had hoped for roommates but later on, I found out that this room was an extra, so I got it all to myself.

After standing, I grab most of the kitchen supplies and unlock the door. I step into my dorm and my eyebrows dip, What the fuck?

Pizza boxes and beer cans lay on the floor, food is plastered on the white wall. Who has been staying here?

I drop my kitchen supplies and huff. Why can't anything go right? I walk out of my dorm and down three floors before reaching the housing office. The lady at the desk looks up at me, "What can I help you with?"

"Has anyone moved into room 167?" I ask, biting my nails, "It's a shit show up there. Pizza boxes and soda cans cover the floor."

Her brows go up and she turns to her computer, she frowns, "No, it doesn't look like anyone moved into that room. I would've had to give them keys to them, and I haven't given keys out to that room for anyone except you."

I purse my lips, "Is there anything I can do about it?"

"You can call the service desk at the next building over to see if they have anything open. Or you can clean the dorm out yourself."

"Okay, thanks." I snip, I wasn't going to clean up a mess I didn't make. And what if they came back and saw me living there? They would probably kick me out. I guess I'm moving dorms.


"The only room we have left is in the boys' dormitory." A man speaks through the phone as I sit on a step. "All of the extra rooms are now taken; we are fully booked this year. But a student dropped out, so a room is open."

"Do the rooms have private bathrooms?" I didn't want to use the same bathroom as the boys.


"Okay, I'll do it." I sigh, "When's the latest I can move in?"

"7:30." I look at my watch. 4:46. I think I can make that.

"Okay sounds good, thank you."

"You're welcome, have a nice day."

I shut my phone off and put it back in my pocket. My plain skinny black jeans and my dark red long-sleeve shirt make it a hundred percent hotter than it is. I roll up my sleeves and return to my car, opening my trunk.

Boxes are filled to the brim, and my backseat is also filled. I shut my trunk before walking around and getting into the driver's seat. After starting the car, I make my way over to the boys' dorms, which is only less than a minute by car. When I arrive, I see boys walking in and out, boxes in hand. I get out and shut my door, making sure to grab my purse before going inside.

The male at the desk looks at me with his brows dipped as I walk up to the desk, "You do know you're in the male's dorm, right?"

"Yep." I mumbled, looking down at my feet, "I called the secretary, and he told me you had an extra room. My room was unavailable for me to use."

He raises one brow, "Mr. Corella?" I nod and he sighs, "Alright,"

He reaches behind him and hands me a key, "This is the last room unavailable so don't trash it if you aren't going to stay, okay?"

I nod and take the key. I spotted a luggage cart at the corner of the room and ran over, grabbing it and taking it outside. I round my car and open my trunk. 

I stuff the bigger boxes at the bottom first before putting smaller ones on top. I'll come down for the rest. I close my trunk and head back inside, heading for the elevator –which gladly works-- I press up and the button glows. I take a step when it opens, letting a boy and his mother off before stepping myself. A boy and his father joined me on the elevator. "What number?" the boy asks.

I look down at the key where the number is embedded, "One fixity eight, floor four." He presses the numbers and returns to the conversation with his father. I sigh as they laugh together, imagining what it would be like if I had a father who was around. 

The elevator doors open, and I step out, thanking the boy. Since the elevator was large enough to fit the luggage cart, his father helped me, and pushed it out of the elevator, "Thank you, sir." He nods and the doors close.

I make my way down the hall until I reach my door. I unlock it and step in, the smell of Cinnamon reaches my nose, weird. I brought the cart in and stopped to look around, checking to make sure there wasn't any trash. There's a bed against a corner, and another one symmetrical to that one. Two desks sit by each other next to the window, and the closets are next to each other as well as on the wall next to the bathroom. 

After checking the bathroom and making sure the water worked fine in the shower, I walked back into the main room and started unpacking. I didn't bring much to being with, because I didn't have much to my name anyway. I unpack my clothes and hang them up in the closet, I take out my bedding and put it on the bed after checking for bed bugs. There's a mini fridge with a microwave on top next to the door, I put my kitchen supplies and a few packets of ramen noodles on top of it before sitting down on my bed. 

My phone dings and I pull it out of my pocket to see a text message from Kayla, my extroverted best friend. We met in first grade when she saw me sitting on a swing set by myself. 

KayKay: Where are you? I thought I had already seen your car parked downstairs.

Me: I had some problems, so I was moved to the boy's dorm... don't be mad. 

KayKay: WHAT? Why would I be mad??? You can snap pictures of the boys for me, and it's not like I won't see you in class anyway.

Me: Right. Idk if I'll be able to snap any pics. I don't have a roommate.

KayKay: Ugh.

I laugh and turn off my phone, lying down on my bed. Hmm, maybe a little nap won't hurt, I can just grab the rest of my stuff later.

Welcome to my new book and yes before you ask, I will still be doing BL.
I just wanna say I love you and thank you all for your support.❤️

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