10: Canopy of Carleone

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We rented a car- it was the first time most of us had seen one, but Pierre said he knew how to drive as the detective agency used them to get to cases outside the castle. I never knew we had them, which led me to believe the wagons were for aesthetic and not useability. But then again, I never got out much before this.

We did however get an additional trailer for the horses with them. We had to put my poor chicken in a cage.

Bess had a space in the trailer as well to monitor the horses and Penny. Even though Bess said she didn't mind as long as we made a few stops so she could stretch, I could tell she didn't like being separated from us.

I gave her a thick blanket and she smiled and whispered how much I had changed.

"Better or worse?" I said jokingly.

"Well you certainly have been learning sarcasm from your brothers," she said, referring to Jack and Pierre. "I've at least taught you the basics of kindness, but you took over the rest and I'm thankful for your willingness to help. And... well I think those muscles and blue eyes make you look so much older than you are. Sometimes you look too harsh, even though a glimmer of sunshine is in your heart." She backed into the trailer and I closed it. "I sometimes miss the uneducated prince."

"Well, the truths I'm learning do add to the weight, but I'd say most of those changes are for the better right?"

She nodded as I rapped my knuckles against the trailer and walked over to the truckbed, hopping in. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, James! I am so excited about a road trip- it's my first one aren't you excited? And I get to visit home again!" Mango hummed, floating in the air, then rested on my head. "Bo doesn't want me pestering her so I'm going to be back here with you and Jack and the blankets." She paused for a breath. " Your hair is still really soft did you know that? Like a cloud. It grows fast too- I think we should dye it black next, to give you a more mysterious look what do you think?"

"I mean, I'm not against it, but Bess just said that I look 'harsh' and serious all the time, so I don't think black hair will make me look nicer."

"But it'll make you look super cool. Plus, if anything you wanna blend in right?"

"Yeah, of course, I do- for now anyway."

"Then there's your answer." She shifted on my head as I tucked under the blankets stuffed between our bags. Jack was already under his.

"Man I feel really hot right now- when are we gonna get some airflow back here?" he said fanning himself.

I was hot too. I and Pierre went shopping for clothes for myself again because of the warmer weather, but he wanted me to 'look mysterious and fancy,' and I'm sure he was planning something with Mango. I was now in a black t-shirt and faded black jeans- he wanted me to wear the suit pants he bought me along with a white dress shirt, but I disagreed and we settled on this. I regret wearing all black for sure. At least I have tennis shoes (most of my clothes were unheard of to me before I left the castle... it's like a different era within).

The car rumbled to a start and Bo opened the window. "No funny business out here here, OK? And Mango please stop sitting on the boy's head and get yourself down. You're as small as a bug and will fling right off." Mango ducked down into a curled-up section of my blankets.

Jack grinned at me. "Feeling nervous?"

"A little bit. I think I'll be ok."


Needless to say, I was not ok. At our first rest stop, I immediately hopped out and vomited into a field. Then Jack took away my book and told me it was probably making me feel awful. Bo gave me a motion sickness patch (I didn't know she prepared for this at all), and Pierre handed me some crackers and a bottle of water.

Thankfully, Jack and I discovered we didn't need blankets since the air was warm enough. Therefore, we made a small pocket for Mango inside Jack's hat which he didn't want to wear.

The car was a lot faster than I expected, and we reached the outer walls within an hour and a half.

"Reason for your departure?" asked a guard.

"I and some friends are driving to Carleone for a retreat," Pierre said, handing the guard his license.

"I hear it's beautiful this time of year- have a great time, all of you." He returned the card and opened the gates just big enough for the car and trailer to get through. My heart was beating quickly but I smiled as we all waved at the guard.

The air seemed to get fresher as we drove and my queasiness went away. Jack fell asleep and Mango was watching something on the Net. I didn't dare sneak over and take my book back from Jack, so I just looked at all the scenery passing us by.

It's the farthest I've ever been from the castle, and my arms were trembling in excitement. I never knew trees could be so green, or that fields could be so big. It felt limitless... like everything would go on forever.

Once we reached Carleone, everyone got out and stretched. I stared in amazement.

Mushrooms stood taller than regular trees and glowed. Buildings were carved or built around the trees, bridges looping homes to shops through the canopy. Burrows at the base, looking like a half mound and then disappearing beneath the floor.

And the people! There were dwarves and gnomes and elves walking everywhere, with fairies in tow, mingling with each other. There were humans as well, but not nearly as many as the others.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched though.

A woman came out of the base of one of the trees to greet us. "Welcome to Carleone! I am Amata and the owner of Cradle Inn. Do you have a reservation?" Her smile reached her eyes. She couldn't have been much older than twenty or thirty.

"Yes," Bo said, coming and shaking Amata's hand. "It should be for Captain Peppers."

"Captain! What an honor to have you at my establishment. Please let the valet take your car to the lot, and I can take you and your group to the cabin." A short elf came dressed in a red suit and Pierre handed him the keys. "Don't worry about your luggage it will be brought up momentarily, and the horses will love the local stables," she added.

Bess handed Penny to me as we went inside the thick tree and walked up a spiral staircase, leading us to a large suite overhanging the floor far below.

"Now then just sign here, and list the names of all your friends," Amata said handing Bo a clipboard. All of us introduced ourselves and shook her hand. She had to look up at most of us- she was very short, not even five feet tall.

"My name is James Ferdinand. Nice to meet you, Amata," I said, leaning down a bit to reach her hand.

"Oh what handsome young men you all are," she gasped, flitting back to Bo to take the clipboard back. "And such beautiful ladies. There will be a dance in a couple of days. Everyone staying at the Inn is invited. I hope you will join us- have a good day!" She left and closed the door behind her.

"Lovely woman," Bess commented.

Bo led us to our bedrooms; there were four. One was for Jack and me to share, one for Penny and Pierre ("I promise I won't harm her- she's a pet and you don't eat pets."), one for Bess to have for herself, and one for Bo.

Pierre took me out running that evening. Jack was right in the fact that I would enjoy being out of the cave. However, my lungs were having trouble keeping up, and my recent fear of heights didn't help either. The altitude here was higher than before, and where we ran was even scarier.

Pierre made me run across the hanging bridges, some of them swaying with every step. I tried my best not to look down at the ground below.  Pierre was great at maintaining balance, while I fell into safety nets more times than I liked. But as it was, I had fun. I was still constantly worried about someone recognizing me whenever a person looked our way, but Pierre  said it was " a needless worry."

Once we got back we ate dinner. Afterward, I took a shower and went to my room. Jack was already asleep under all the covers, wrapped inside a cozy burrito. I grabbed a separate banket and slipped in on the open side, wrapping myself up as well. And finally, I fell asleep like a baby in the Cradle Inn.

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