9: Force of Habit

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After those two months, I've gotten thicker if anything- nothing was noticeable at first, but as I was forced out of bed and into a daily workout routine I noticed myself getting stronger.

In the beginning, I hated the plan, but when I was able to do twenty pushups without a break in month two, I realized how hard I'd been working. I started getting into a habit, even waking up before Mango sometimes, to read.

The Archives that is.

They were written in Chicoe, which was useful for me- I was able to practice my fluency again. They had tales of treasures, records of historical events from nations outside the city walls, and plenty of studies on native species. I learned so much more from these books than from all the tutors I've had.

In the meantime, the entire kingdom, including the advisers declared I was likely dead, and my funeral was on a Wednesday- the day before the Blue Moon Festival. Many were heartbroken as my father said a few pretty words and left.

There was no party at the castle that night.

I snuck into the crowds and even saw Mary standing next to the Queen in a beautiful black dress. She didn't shed a tear and never saw me standing there, but her eyes were rimmed red, her cheeks and nose a light pink. I wanted so badly to yell that I wasn't dead. However, as a part of the agreement with Jack, I would help them find their bow, their Hero. This will enable me to claim my place again as I could collect allied nations we'd visit- Giant's Castle, Nomad'das...even Duriche was on the itinerary.

Of course, the day after everyone (mostly anyways) forgot about me to celebrate the rare moon. It was really fun, to be honest. I and Bo tried the ring toss and she won the biggest prize- a large stuffed dragon that she named Puffer.

Since my hair got longer so fast, Pierre cut it all off. This left my hair short and close to my head, with just enough to brush it on top. It was nice though- I didn't have to tie it back, but I did have to dye it again. My eyes were blue, and now, a week before we leave, I looked like a different person. Not to mention the weather was a lot warmer- we were now in May, and preparing to depart.

"What's got you so preoccupied today bro?" Jack said from his horse, Jack. Sometimes I got confused when referring to them so I started calling the horse Handsome when feeding it apples. And Jack (the human) started calling me bro. When he started it felt awkward, but now it was normal.

"Nothing really," I said, facing backward. I was steering with my legs through the forest. The first time I tried this I almost crashed the poor horse into a tree and fell off multiple times, but now I was getting the hang of it. They got me the horse from a local stable. She was a smart fjord and was much larger than Jack's horse. If anything it was love at first sight and we clicked right away. Her name was Pumpkin.

"Oh come on. I think I can say I know you well enough to know it's not anything. Are you still upset about your funeral Heron?" He said my real name playfully but I shot him a glare.

"I mean, yes but I'm more focused on being heartbroken about my girlfriend being heartbroken. If that makes sense. Plus I'm homesick. I do enjoy having to do everything myself now and the freedom that allows, but sometimes I miss having someone else doing everything for me." I sighed and turned back around, picking up the reigns. "That probably sounds super stuck-up huh?"

"I can understand I guess. You're used to not having to lift a finger because you're rich and now you wanna move back because life here is terrible." He said it in an irritated tone.

"No! I love it here. That isn't the big issue either. It's a whole lot of things besides that. I do want to go back, but for different reasons."

"Ok, then relieve your questions to me." His voice was calmer now. I noticed he would get irritated quickly with me, and found ways to stamp it down a bit. But we have had our share of fights already- whether on purpose or otherwise.

"Are you and Bo like a thing?"

He coughed and laughed, stopping his horse. I pulled up beside him smiling.

"What? It's a serious question!" I said.

"Um, no. Why would you think that?"

"Because you always look at her when she comes over and she is nicer to you than anyone else. She doesn't treat you like just a member of the team but as, you know. Something more."

"Oh," He leaned into Handsome's neck, petting his mane.

"You like her!" I said. He tried to fight it. "No, no I'm serious you just got a look you totally like her man."

"A look? Seriously James I. Am. A. Grown. Adult. I don't get schoolboy crushes like you."

"Uh-huh sure," I said sarcastically. He smirked.

After a minute he talked. "Ok, she is kinda cute."

"AH-HA!" I went ahead of him and leaned back, letting my head rest on Pumpkin's croup as she led us back to the cave. "I knew it."

"I want to never talk of this again," he said as I looked at him upside down.

"Fine, fine. Unless you bring it up."

We rode in silence for five minutes.

"So you like women who are taller than you?"

"Shut up," he forcefully whispered through grit teeth. Even though it was proven time and time again that all the girls in town thought he was hot while I was cute, he disliked me making jokes about him being shorter than me.

"Okay! Fine. I won't say another word. My lips from here on out will only talk of packing."


"The chicken disturbs me. Make it stop," Bo said as all of us lounged on the couches. Penny had taken a shine to her and was pecking affectionately at her shoe. Bo wasn't crazy per-se. She was brilliant, but sometimes her choice of words made her sound far too formal, and she hated Penny.

I picked up Penny and put her in the makeshift pen Pierre built. Bess was happy to have her because it meant she didn't need to buy eggs- and with at least 6 mouths to feed eggs got expensive. I still felt sick when eggs were by themselves, but as an ingredient they were fine.

Pierre did some kind of law enforcement work, like a detective. Jack did a nightly job at a clothing store and in the morning he was at the lumber yard. Bo told me she was on leave from work, and that she would probably resume when we finally got to Giants Castle. Mango was excited about visiting home, but Bo seemed upset about it. She hid it well though.

Pierre was laid out on the floor shirtless messing with some kind of 3D puzzle, trying to take it apart. Bess was knitting a scarf. Jack was watching the fairywork with Bo, and I was working on a separate video that Mango was simultaneously broadcasting to me called "Eleesha's Amazing 20-Minute Full Body Fat Burning/Muscle Building Workout". Eleesha was extremely excited as she did jump squats and planks while I groaned and followed her lead. Did she have to be so peppy?

It was moments like this that I liked about this place. The closeness I never felt except with Mary filled the room, brothers, sisters, and mothers being made for me.  Thanks to them I feel at home. And got abs. But that's beside the point being made.

I'll miss it when I have to leave, and when I have to take back what's mine. But it's all for the best.

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