"I... yes." You replied quietly. How did Dream plan everything so quickly? Why hadn't he listened to the book? Hadn't he said that this was his favorite book they had read yet? 

"Speaking of which, I'll call them right now!" Dream said, standing. 

"Wait, what? Don't you want to read with me?" You asked, feeling a little hurt.

Dream paused, then asked sweetly, "Do you want me to stay?" 

"Of course! I like to read with you!" You replied, not understanding what on earth was going on. 

"I'll do whatever you want me to do, Y/n." He sat as he spoke, and you felt a chill run down your spine as he said those words. They didn't sound... like Dream. "Shall we continue?" Dream looked at you with almost a smug smirk on his face.

Feeling unsettled, you nodded, then continued to read. This chapter was about love and one's idea of selflessness. You finished the chapter, and looked to Dream excitedly, saying, "I really liked that one!" 

Dream laughed, then said, "I did too! Tell me one of your favorite parts." 

"Well." You shifted in your beanbag to face Dream easily.

"I really liked how, here, let me read it aloud." You flipped through the pages, then read, "They will not see the trap, since they are under the double blindness of mistaking sexual excitement for charity and thinking that the excitement will last." You placed the book down and continued, "I read a study a long time ago that explained that when people have sex, it releases a hormone that makes a fake feeling of 'love'. Our bodies do this to bond the two so that they will hopefully stay together when they have children. Some having children can be such a strain on both parents."

You paused to breath, and noticed Dream was blushing furiously. You giggled at his face, which he immediately hid. "I'm sorry, do you want to change the subject to the other point in the chapter?" 

"N-no! Continue!" He exclaimed, stammering a little. 

You giggled again, then said, "I'll make it quick. That's why I personally think 50% of marriages fail. Because we no longer respect bodies and will sleep with people before marriages, creating this fake feeling of love. Then you get married, then it turns out you actually don't have anything in common with the person and, if you do, either both or one partner isn't willing to put in the work to make it work."

Dream nodded, blush dying down. "That's a wonderful point, I never thought of it that way. And I think that's really important to know. I wish more people knew that, that would probably save the world of a lot of heartache." 

You smiled, then said, "You can go schedule the cabin now if you'd like." 

Dream's eyes widened and he asked, "Do you not want to talk anymore?"

You were stunned for a moment. "What? No! I just thought since you were so set on calling them earlier, you wanted to get it done as soon as possible!" 

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now