Chapter 27: Miles & Kilometers

Start from the beginning

"I'm excited for you. I know that it's been a tough transition up to this point. It'll be a good day when you get your freedom back," Roselyn adds.

I nod in agreement. It'll actually be a fucking fantastic day but I'm not saying that.

We continue to sit in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, just the way I like it.

Then I hear the sound of an unmistakable engine approaching.

Could it be any other rich person who lives in San Francisco that owns a V8 engine and wants to hit up a tiny, hole-in-the-wall beach on a Friday night? Maybe. However, I've heard that car enough times in the past year to satisfy me for a lifetime.

"Don't tell me that's Miles and Parker," I say and turn my head to look at Roselyn. I could maybe bend around and look at the parking lot myself, except I finally got comfortable. Twisting around would mean that I'd have to adjust my leg all over again.

Roselyn goes through the motions for me and lifts her sunglasses off of her face as she squints. "Sure is."

"Fuck. Tell them I'm not here."

She scoffs and gives me a look that says, Really? Her attention swivels back to the car and she arches one eyebrow. "Actually, it looks like Miles is alone."

"Alone? No way, it's probably a different black man coming to kill us or sell us to a sex trafficking program." I face the ocean again and breathe the salty air. Maybe the man will leave me alone since I'm crippled. Broken legs can't fetch very good prices in that market.

"What's up, dawgs?"

Shit. That's definitely Miles.

"Hi Miles! Wow, crazy that you found us here. Oops, I forgot that I told Forrest I'd call him tonight. My phone is in the car, I'll be right back."

She scurries onto her feet and begins to quickly walk away.

My eyes land on the phone that's in her back pocket with the cherry case. That's definitely hers.

"Roselyn, you—! Never mind," I grumble and settle in my chair again. That lying bitch. My eyes swivel over to Miles as he takes a seat in the chair that she vacated. "How in the hell did you know where to find us?"

"I've got my ways. I can track down your family's bloodline like a hound dog." Miles grins and scoots around the seat, making himself comfortable. He slips his feet out of his sandals and puts them in the sand. "Why Roselyn?"

"What?" I look over at him again, my forehead creasing.

Miles meets my eyes and blinks. He tilts his head sideways. "Roselyn? You're probably the only person in this entire world that calls her by her full name. Forrest doesn't even do that."

"Oh." I watch the seagulls dive for their dinner again.

It might be the atmosphere, or the nice night that I've had with my sister, or the fact that I'm too tired to be a dick right now. Something inside of me answers him honestly.

"I don't know. It's stupid, but she was always my sister. My friend. I remember not wanting to share her when we started to go to kindergarten and shit, and everyone began to call her Rose." I scratch my fingernail along the armrest of the chair. "I didn't like falling in that category because it felt like I was loosing her. Using her name reminds me that she was my twin before she was anyone else's... anything. I dunno."

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