Chapter 24: Shopping For The Truth

Start from the beginning

"That's not the point here! You've got the money, honey." Miles winks and wraps his hand deeper around my shirt, then pulls me close for a quick kiss.

It's a fleeting brush of our lips, though Miles' mouth is soft and warm and extremely kissable in this moment. He steps away, leaving my cheeks pink and my heart wanting more.

His eyes are bright and taunting. He knows exactly how he makes me feel, and unfortunately, he plays me like a fiddle during the most inapt situations. If you were to ask me, I think he enjoys seeing me blush and squirm like a schoolgirl.

As I watch him move away, I scratch behind my neck. I'm still caught up in that kiss. It totally wiped my memory. "What were we talking about again?"

Miles laughs and glances back at me to see if I'm serious, then shakes his head while fighting down a smile. "Forget it."

We turn the corner together and nearly bump into Rose. She's digging through another rack of mens long sleeved shirts, with one maroon sweatshirt tossed over her shoulder. Considering the absence of Forrest and the absurd amount of clothes that's hanging over one of the changing room doors, I assume that he's busy playing dress up.

Rose perks up when she sees us and immediately whips the shirt off of her shoulder. She holds it up to our line of sight, covering her face in the process. "Okay, what do you guys think about this for Griffin? Do you think he would like it? I feel bad that he couldn't come with today, and I wanted to get him something."

Oh, shit.

Griffin. God damn it.

I completely forgot about him.

Considering the look on Miles face, he's likely in the same boat. We've been having such a great, laidback day without his negativity dragging it down to the point where I forgot he was at home.

I hate admiring it, however it's the honest truth. Rose, him, and I always went back-to-school clothes shopping together every single year while growing up. It was never really enjoyable but it held enough nostalgia where we would feel bad if we went a year without the annual trip out to the city. Rose always dragged us into her gross girly stores, Griffin would find the best spot for lunch in the food court, and I'd wait to buy things at the same three stores that I always did. That's just how it always was.

Until this year.

Rose begged Griffin to come with us yesterday, until he threw a bitch fit about how we need to grow up and that he's not fit to come with us anymore and that we're stupid for not realizing that, then stomped— limped?— away to his room. That was the end of the conversation.

I pushed him so far out of my mind after that that hearing his name now makes guilt chew at my stomach.

"I think that he would wear it. He's a simple guy, so he'd appreciate it, I'm sure," I reply after a moments hesitation. "Here, let me buy it for him. I need to go home soon, anyway, and get ready for football on Monday."

"Ugh." Rose crinkles her nose and passes the sweatshirt over. "I feel like dad starts practicing sooner and sooner with you guys every year. Soon he's going to stop giving everyone on the team a summer vacation all together."

"Don't give him any ideas. Thank God we're graduating this year." I take the sweatshirt from her and feel around in my pocket for my debit card. "You two cool if Miles and I bounce?"

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