Chapter 1: I hate Mondays

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Skylar above

Skylar POV:

Waking up for school at 5:30 in the morning on a Monday is not on my list of great things. I despise school with a very strong passion like who invented it, and the idiotic ideology that kids have to go to school and still not learn a damn thing. Besides they're getting dumb and dumber each and every day. I got up from my bed, take a quick shower, and brush my raven hair that rests on my waist. I put a little mascara and eyeliner on and go down to the pack house to make breakfast for the pack. I kept thinking about my upcoming birthday next Thursday which unfortunately is the same birthday for the upcoming alpha, Jaxon.

What a coincidence! But don't worry or anything he's only two years older than me. Girls in our society find their mates at the age of 17 and the boys find theirs at 19 or 20. I'm 16 now... well until Thursday. Ohh! Where are my manners?! I'm Skylar Faith Haddock and I have dark raven hair and dark blue electric eyes fair skin. I look nothing like my mom except for the natural blushing, and I look nothing like father. I have one older brother and three younger sister who are triplets. We're all werewolves. My wolf's name is Lupin and she is the color of brown with white furs mix together. The pack members treat me like an omega -- if not worst-- the only person who I trust is my mother and the Luna. But the Luna, mate of the Alpha, doesn't know how the others treat me. Shocker. (more the sarcasm)

As I enter the kitchen, I was greeted by the gathering of a small group of Omegas whom are the only ones that respect me except my mother and Luna. However it's not just respect that I am given, but friendship too.

"Good morning, Beta Skylar." says Sophia the older Omega.

"Morning, Beta." the rest of the six group greet in unison.

"Morning to you too guys. So, what are we cooking today?" I greet in return.

"Omelet!" says Layla the youngest.

"Or pancakes?" asks Ashley.

"We can cook both you know." Aubrey, the shyest of them all, suggests.

"Okay we'll make some omelets and pancakes." I decide.

Thirty minutes later we are done and we set every thing on the table. Not a minute later, most of the pack comes in. I head my way down to the laundry room to wash some of the members clothes until I run into a brick wall.

"Ouch! Who put that stupid brick wall here?" I mumble. Wait. Brick walls don't get build--

"The brick wall is me, you little worthless shit." Oh. It's the jerk, testerone loaded asshole, Jaxon. "Oh and next time watch where you going slave."

Well there you have it my bully, my soon to be alpha and my most annoying enemy is the one that made everyone in the pack hates me, which I don't mind. Time to act scared.

"S-Sorry Alpha, I w-w-wasn't watching where i was going." I stutter.

"MOVE YOU LITTLE BITCH." He boomed in his alpha voice which didn't make me scared but i act like it does. "Y-y-yes-s sir." and i ran outside.

You do know that his stupid alpha command doesn't affect us, right?' My wolf said.

'I know but we have to act like it does Lupin, and if we don't you know what can happen.'

I know but I don't like this pack even if our' she started saying but stop herself.

'Lulu what's wrong?'

Don't worry about it my friend I'm okay, see I'm a grown pup' Lupin said trying to convice herself more than me. Beside he's not our apha yet, and his stupid dog friend try to act though and act like he own the whole pack.

'You always know when to make me laugh Lulu, I love you.' I laugh.
I love you to Blue. With that she close our link.

When I'm done talking to Lupin I didn't how I was done folding the clothes and I was able to put the rest of the dirty clothes in the washing machine. I pass in the room of each and evey person who gave me their clothes to wash even my so call father. While I was going into Nolan's room but I hear moans and groans on the other side of the room, and I can pretty much guess who's getting laid again.

"Faster! Faster Nolan'. Scream Britney. Yep that's the pack whore, she slept with my father for money, she slept with the alpha and pretty much every boys and men in the pack except for the gay ones. my thought was cut by another of Britney awful scream which pretty much sounded like a dying hyena.

"Y-Yes there Oh my goddess hit it again." That pretty much ruin my little innocent mind. With that I left the pack house and go to my parents house to get my school stuff ready to go.

Did someone died?' ask Lupin.

'Nope someone was having sex, and I happen to pass by. Why you asked?'

I was trying to rest but that voice woke me up, so are you going for a run or school?'

'School, but I promise when I come home later we can go for a run. How's that sound?'

Good, have a great day'.

"Yeah great day." I say to myself.

School didn't make any difference it smells like food and new paint which didn't solve my problem I'm always hungry. I walk to my locker and get my calculus book and my chemistry notebook. Did I forgot to mention I don't go to the same school as the pack teenagers. The high school I go to is Galvan Noble High School (GNHS) for Alphas, Betas, and Deltas. The normal and lower rank wolves go to the pack school. I so wish Sophia or Ashley was in this school, no I'm not saying I'm a loner cause I'm not down my left I saw my brother and his girlfriend sucking each other face off. I walk pass them and went to class. As the day go by I couldn't concentrate my brain keep traveling to the future and thinking on how will my mate be, will he be kind, cocky, corny, funny, annoying, a teaser or maybe talktive? Me and my wolf both think that if our mate is in the pack he or she will surely reject us, but I don't mind cause I'm strong enough to live the heart-

"-dock, Ms. Haddock?" Mr. Alvarez called and the whole class was looking at me like I was their prey.

"Yes Mr. A?" I answer.

"Can you at least pay attention in class I know I'm boring you."

" I didn't say that 'Sir' I was just thinking."

"Well then answer number 78 for the class please?"

" Uhm.. Oh yeah the answer is B. Chlorine and Gas."

"Thank you at least you have an idea of what's going on." He mumble and the whole class chuckle. what's so funny? those idiots don't even know the answer.

The rest of the day went as a blur and I'm really happy that Jaxon didn't go to this school to torment me or shame me in front of the school, and my brother didn't even bother me much, and I know he hates me.

"Skylar, Skylar." My brother was calling me as I'm walking to my car.

"Yes Mikey?" I answer bitterly.

"Can you tell mom and dad I'm coming late for dinner?"

"Hmm. Yeah sure. Is that all Sir" i said sarcatically.

"And Umm.. Sky Im-"

"Save it, anyways see you later Kiki." and with that I walk away feeling hurt and sad, tears started clouding my vision I wiped them off and drive three miles away from the pack territory. 'Lupin You ready for your run?'

As long as you are Blue, I'm ready.' she reply.

'well then let's go for a long run until you're tired'.

Alright so I have no idea what happened but 1/3 of my story have been deleted and unpublished so I'm republishing them again and Sorry for the confusion to some of you 😔😔

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