"Brad knew you were coming...that you were here?"

"Yes I worked it out with him.  I didn't want to wait until the weekend but this was the soonest I could come with the Euro tours end then traveling.  We're in town to record some of the new album before we start the North American tour."

"How long are you here?" 

"At the garden? Or in town?"

I smack his arm because he knows what I mean though I'm pretty sure he's trying to lighten the mood.  It's definitely more serious then it needs to be.  He's here with me I should just be happy.

"Oi women what's wrong with you" he says laughing and pretending to pull away from me.

"You knew what I meant" I say but I don't dare let go of him.

"I'm here until the 7th then I have to head to Mexico City.  I will have recording sessions but for a week and a half I'll be here."

I am so happy I can't help but grab him into another embrace as I start to pull back his lips meet mine again and I'm dizzy by the time the kiss ends.  That is when I know people are starring at us and I remember we are standing sort of out in the open.  He must sense my unease because he takes my hand and starts to walk toward the Japanese house. 

"So I think I'm supposed to take pictures for Brad though given this plot you two have I'm not sure anymore."

"Yes well he is actually going to propose at the Observatory this weekend.  He didn't have the heart to tell you hisself.  The other evening Greg made a comment about his eyes being like stars or something anyway it made him change his mind.  He couldn't tell you anyway it would ruin my surprise.  We can still take pictures though"

He smiles a kind of mischievous smile which causes me to laugh.  It's just so easy to be with him.  I'm not afraid anymore because I know he's not just a good guy he's an amazing person.

"I've missed this.  How you make me feel so at ease.  I'll forgive Brad his keeping secrets as he gave me this gift of time with you."  I place a small kiss his on his cheek

"So you did miss me?"  He is smiling so I know he knows the answer.

I want to tell him I missed him with all of my heart but it feels like too much so I just say "I missed you more then you'll ever know."

"I missed you more" is all he says

We spend the next couple of hours walking the gardens.  It has dawned on me that this is our thing; we walk and talk our way through beautiful places.  I love that this is something we do just the two of us.  At lunch time we grab some food and take it out to have a picnic.  It's nice as the weather is sunny but not hot with a slight breeze that blows my hair a little.  It's then when he finally says.

"So you've cut your hair?"

"Yea I felt I needed a change or maybe it was just a distraction.  Do you like it?" I ask nervously

"You're stunning to me no matter what."  He kisses my hand that I have been careful to have on his unless we are using it to eat. 

"I could tell you were a song writer even if I didn't know already.  Always with the perfect thing to say."

"Not always.  I shouldn't have let you off the phone that night until everything was alright."

"You did what you thought I wanted."

"I'm glad to see I was wrong.  Enough sad talk!  Come on there's more to see."  He says as he helps me clean up our mess.

I can tell he wants our time together to be full of good things.  We stay until we are told the gardens are closing and we need to head to the exit.  Time passed way faster than I could imagine.  We talked, took pictures and just enjoyed being with each other.  Then I'm hit with a puzzling thought.

"Louis are you here alone?"

"No love; they're here they're just getting better at blending." 

He points at Alberto behind us and Preston in front of us and I am taken back.  They really did just sort of blend in as I never realized they were around.  That means the SUV will be here ready to whisk him away to wherever he's staying.  As if he can read my mind he says

"I'm staying at a rental instead of a hotel.  It makes it harder for the paps to bother me and lets these two be close enough but with privacy.  I know you've been with me all day and you're likely sick of me but do you want to come over for dinner?"

"I don't think I can ever be sick of you.  Yes dinner sounds nice.  Text me the address; I'm going to head home first and shower."

"I've got a pool if you care to take a swim you could bring a swimsuit."

"Sounds good". We are at my car now and I know I have to let him go but that thought of him not being real is back.

"Don't be long". He says as he leans in to kiss me. 

For the first time I feel a burning in me and I know he's real.  I also know that I want to tell him everything.  I get into my car before I decide to drag him home with me.  There in my living room when I arrive home sit Brad, Greg and Kate all with smirks on their face as if they got one over on me.  They all talk at once

"I knew you liked him from day one!" Kate says

"Oh you look so happy yay" Greg is actually clapping

"Don't be mad I wanted you to be surprised" is Brads only recourse so I don't immediately hit him

"Yes I like him and I'm happy so because I'm so happy I won't be mad at you.  Man you three" I say as I head into my room?

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