After hours

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We get to our seats with plenty of time to spare.  Brad arranged for us to have front row seats which was ok.  I mean my sisters love it but for me I feel that at least I am not surrounded by strangers.  Though I could do without the screaming and close contact with everyone trying to get closer to the stage.  The opening act is a group I hadn't yet heard of called 5 seconds of summer.  They are a little edgier than One Direction but really good.  I enjoy their set but wished I had thought to have ear plugs.  Being right by the stage the music is very loud but so are the screaming fans in the crowd.  As the opening act ends Brad asked if anybody wanted something to drink.  I decide to go with him to give myself a break from being pinned in.  We grab the waters then head back to our seats.  As we pass by the side of the stage one of the security guys stops Brad but he waves for me to keep going.  Once he comes back over I don't really think anything of it because I can feel the energy change around me.

The anticipation from the crowd grows and then the lights go completely out for a few moments before the video screen starts playing a funny opening.  It showed an invitation to a party followed by someone knocking on a door with Liam answering the door of a house party.  Then the music kicks in as the person walks through the party you see Louis crowd surfing, Zayn DJing, Harry in a study of some sort reading and Niall getting knocked into a pool.  The whole thing is rather goofy but it seems to fit the guys. There is an uproar after the video plays and out come the guys singing "Up All Night". The guys are completely ridiculous on stage there's not really any choreography and no matching outfits. That's the kind of stuff I remember from other "boy bands" but they aren't like anyone else.

I look over at one point to see my sisters and even my mom completely mesmerized during "More than This". They really do have beautiful voices that blend so nicely. The shenanigans on stage is a show all on its own I would pay to see. Even Tim is laughing at them especially when Liam throws a bottle full of water on Niall during "One Way or Another".  It was nice to see everyone having a great time and I am too.  When it comes time for the boys to sing "Little Things" they all take a seat around the stage.  Louis was sitting with Niall but then he got up and sat a bit closer to our side of the stage. I don't know why I'm noticing where he is but I can't help it. This is such a beautiful song and I feel kind of silly starring at him when he sings.  He sounds so sweet; his accent when he sings "conversations" makes me smile. I almost thought he was looking at me for a moment.  Then just like that they are all up jumping around the stage again.

There is so much going on on stage with all of the guys that I can't help but laugh.  You can see the pure joy of just hanging out with their friends doing what they love.  I'm surprised by their energy as it feels like the show is never ending. They do what seems to be their last song but then come out for an encore. Finally it seems the show is really over when the lights come up. I ask my family and Brad to hold off on moving right away.  I don't want to push through a crowd.

"Actually it's good for us to wait anyway I have something to ask you guys or rather the lads have something to ask you guys". Brad states

" The lads what do you mean?"  Kate asks the question I'm thinking

"Well I have it on good authority that the gentleman from One Direction would like for you all to join them at an after hours party.  It seems they are wrapping up in this part and heading over to France in a week.  They thought you all were interesting for some reason."  He laughs a little.  "In any case they'd like to see if you want to meet them at a club.  That's what Paul wanted when he stopped me earlier."  He says looking at me.

My siblings are all about hanging with the guys especially since they intended on going out themselves. Mom is tired and ready to head back for the evening. I try to insist I'm tired too and someone should go back with mom but they all start in on me.

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