So I was stumped. I didn’t know what I would do in such a situation and I didn’t ever want to find out. I didn’t need to worry about that petty thing anymore though. When the truth had finally been revealed, it had been much more harrowing.

“So, does your dad know now then?” I inquired, deciding to stick to basic topics, rather than delve into something where I had to offer some kind of opinion. That wasn’t my strong point and I normally relied on other people when it came to that. Unfortunately, there was no one but me here to offer support.

She shook her head miserably. “He’s still away on his business trip. He gets back in a couple of days and he’s bound to know something’s wrong when I’ve been kicked out. My mum can’t get away from this one.” She informed me, anger present in her voice. I could understand where she was coming from though. Her mum had just ruined what had been a perfectly average family. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but it was a whole heap better than mine. She didn’t know that though and probably viewed my family as being pretty perfect. As far as I was concerned, she might have mass murderers as parents and I wouldn’t know any different.

I sighed. “I’m guessing you want to stay here then?” I checked, knowing she hadn’t just called round to tell me what was happening.

She nodded. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” I reassured her. I’d said she could always come to mine if she needed anything and that offer still stood. She had been my best friend for years and despite the indifferent persona that I often aired around her, it didn’t mean I’d stopped caring. Mel had changed, no doubt about it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have some of the same traits. She was just bitchier now. I did note that she hadn’t gone straight to Leonie’s however, which made me feel slightly better.

There was obviously no spare room in the limited space we had, but when Mel and I used to have sleepovers, which was often at mine since there was never anyone in, she would sleep on a camp bed that I set up next to mine. It made my room even more cramped, but I didn’t care. It was nice to have some company in my isolated home.

“I’ll go and set up the camp bed.” I informed her, before standing up to go and locate it. I hadn’t had it out for so long that I didn’t know whereabouts I had stored it last time I put it away.

After rifling through my room for a few minutes, I found it on top of my wardrobe. Halfway through putting it up, a knock on the door interrupted me. I decided I would let Mel get it, so that I didn’t have to bother scampering down the stairs, but I peered out the window out of curiosity anyway.

When I did see how was shuffling uncomfortably on my doorstep, I bolted down the stairs in an instant. “I’ll get it.” I called to Mel frantically, hoping she didn’t come and investigate. That was the last thing I needed.

I opened the door in a flash, stepped outside and then slammed it, making sure Mel wouldn’t explore. “What are you doing?” Jord asked incredulously, his eyebrows raised.

“Mel’s here.” I hissed to him, momentarily forgetting about the many problems between us and focusing on keeping his presence a secret. “What are you doing here?” I repeated his question, curiously.

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