Chapter 13: Expedition

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Quick A/N: Y/N, especially at the start of this story, isn't meant to be super likable. I'm tired of reading cliche male reader stories where everything is sunshine lollipops and rainbows. When I write, I (try to) write realistic stuff.

If you haven't noticed already, Y/N is meant to be an a-hole/have a short temper. This is obviously something that is going to develop throughout the story.

Not to mention, I feel there always needs to be drama in stories. So, this is a part of that drama.

If you have a problem with it, just don't read it.

Thanks in advance if you chose to stick around and keep reading because the book only gets better with each chapter!

- 3 Days Later -

Y/N: "Anne... Please, just listen to me." You practically beg Anne as you follow her around the Plantar home.

Anne grunts and goes the opposite way, attempting to deke you.

You groan as the Plantars watch from the kitchen, not knowing what to say or do to help your situation.

Once you had enough, you step in front of Anne and hinder her pathway completely, which brings her to a halt.

She nervously shifts in front of you, her eyes wandering your facial features.

Y/N: "Anne... Talk to me."

Anne: "Y/N... I'm begging you... Please, don't leave me."

Your heart skips a beat.

You gulp as your heart begins to fight with your brain, your logic and emotions battling each other.

Your heart yearns for Anne, and yet, your gut, or, logic, tells you that you should leave.

Y/N: "A-Anne I... I have to. Out of everyone here, I'm more than likely capable of finding them."

Anne: "...But why? Why now?"

You look away, no longer able to hold eye contact with Anne.

Y/N: "Anne... All of this time could've been spent looking for them. In all honesty, I'm tired of you having "fun" with these frogs instead of us coming up with plans. Together."

Anne: "I..." Anne trails off not knowing what to say.

You felt like nothing but a horrible person right now, but you continued to speak.

Y/N: "Sasha... She may be a bad person, and the reason we broke up, but finding her along with Marcy would be a giant step closer to us getting home."

Anne: "That's not fair! I'm doing everything I can to stay stable in this kooky place! You can't leave me, Y/N! You know I need you!" Anne begins to tear up.

Y/N: "Then come with me."

Anne stops all visible motion, her mouth slightly hanging open. You could tell she was thinking.

Y/N: "I'm leaving tomorrow Anne," You turn to the kitchen, spotting the two frogs and singular tadpole eyeing you two curiously. "With or without you."

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