Chapter 12: Y/N's Last Stand

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It's been a while since you and Anne made it to the world of Amphibia.

During that time, Anne wasn't devoted to getting back home as much as you were, which saddened you.

All she did was have fun with the amphibians, and act as if nothing happened.

You can't really blame her for behaving this way, because there wasn't much she could do. But, you were upset that she didn't at least try.

Nonetheless, you figured it was time for you to go.

The only hard part, however, would be figuring out how to tell her.

You already knew that you'd feel nothing but guilt and that your mind would flash back to the fun you had since you got transported here with her.

Like recently, renovating Stumpy's restaurant into a Thai restaurant, and acting as her bodyguard.

Or the Plantars selling a new product, even though they regretted it after.

You couldn't lie, all of it was fun.

But, you have to focus on priorities.

Currently, you, Anne, and the Plantars are grocery shopping. You nervously lingered in the back with Stalky in hand, thinking of how to formulate your words.

Hop Pop: "Say what?! Pill bugs are on sale!"

Anne: "Oh! That reminds me. I'm gonna go grab some of that beetle jerky I like..." Anne becomes disgusted with herself. "Can't believe I just said that."

Y/N: "I-I'll come with you, Anne."

Anne: "Okay, dude."

Hop Pop: "Okay kiddos, see ya outside."

You follow behind Anne while she walks to the beetle jerky.

Y/N: "So... Anne..."

Anne: "What's up dude?"

Y/N: "I think-"

Anne: "Aha! Score! I got the last one! Don't worry Y/N, we can share." Anne reaches for the beetle jerky, but a small frog grabs it first.

Anne: "Hey! That was totally mine, Wally!"

Wally: "Ya snooze, ya lose, scarecrow!"

Anne: "Hey! Don't call me scarecrow!"

Y/N: "Anne, I really need- Oof!" You slightly surge forward after being bumped from behind by a cart.

Mrs. Croaker: "Hey! Move your big behind, scarecrow! Croaker needs her cookies."

Anne: "His behind's not big! He's just big! Technically, it's to scale." Anne walks away which you right behind her, but she slips.

Frog Worker: "Hey! Didn't you see the sign, scarecrow?"

Felicia: "Classic, clumsy scarecrow." Frog villagers now began to crowd the store where you and Anne were, and started to laugh.

Anne flushes red in pure embarrassment and rushes out of the store.

You sigh. Stuff like this never bothered you, including your behind getting called "big."

You brandish Stalky at the villagers, who ceased their laughter immediately upon seeing your scythe in your dominant hand.

With a heavy sigh, you chase after Anne.

You stop outside to see her standing next to Bessie and the Plantars while talking to Sprig.

Sprig: "Hey, what's wrong?"

Anne sighs. "Well, it's just... We've been here for over a month now, and the townspeople still treat us crummy. I just wish they were a little nicer."

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