Chapter 3: Cane Crazy

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Now at Leopold Loggle's woodsmith shop, you, Anne, Sprig, and Polly, anxiously await Loggle's diagnosis on the cane.

You, however, really just wanted him to hurry up so you could ask him some questions involving your "plan."

Loggle: "...Uh-huh... Oh, oh, yes. Well, aren't you fascinating? Yes, you are."

Anne: "...Can you fix it?"

Loggle ponders for a bit. "As a matter of fact, I can... Not."

Everyone looks at Loggle, confusion displayed on their faces.

Sprig: "...Huh...? So you can make a new one?"

Loggle: "...Absolutely... Not."

Polly: "Do you have one we could buy?"

Loggle: "Of course, I do... n't. I don't."

Anne cringes. "Why do you keep doing that?" She asks with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Old smithing accident. You don't want to know." Loggle oddly replies.

Anne: "Uh, okay... So-"

Loggle: "Tripped on an anvil. Landed neck-first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!"

Polly: "Blegh!"

Anne: "Dude, come on!"

Y/N: "Heh."

Sprig: "Cool."

Loggle: "Switched over to wood after that. Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, extremely dangerous Doom Tree!"

Everyone, except for you, gasps.

Loggle continues. "Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer yet returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not-"

Anne: "Dude, it's a tree. Just tell us where it is."

Loggle stares at Anne, dumbfounded.

Loggle: "...Okay, okay. I got a map to the Doom Tree right here, but it'll cost ya."

Anne: "Click!" Anne quickly snaps a picture of the map with her phone.

Loggle: "...Or you could do that... For free..."

Anne: "Come on, guys. We gotta hurry. Hop Pop could wake up at any second!"

Sprig & Polly: "Right!"

Loggle: "Be careful, you kids! It's cursed, I tell ya. Cursed!" Loggle shouts as the three exits the shop.

Anne: "To the Doom Tree, everyone!"

Soon, it was just you and Loggle, who turned to you with his eyebrows raised. "You're not going with them?" He asks.

You shake your head no. "Nah, I got more important things to do." You walk over to Loggle's desk and place your notebook on it. You turn to the page with your designs then flip the book so it's facing Loggle.

Y/N: "I need your help with this." You point to the scythes. "I just need two wood designs, I can handle the rest."

Loggle puts a hand to his face, pondering.

He then speaks up.

"What about your friends?" He questions. "They might be in danger, and you look like you'd be of great help."

You chuckle. "Nah, they'll be alright. They've got Anne." You stuff your hands into your pockets. "Besides, the sooner I have these weapons, the easier it will be to protect everyone." You finish, prompting Loggle to nod in approval.

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