Chapter 2: The Plan

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A/N: Sorry y'all, I hate to say it but, from now on I'll be cutting down on the art.

It's a bonus for the story and is mainly there to give yourself a general look all without showing things like skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. And to add some "spice" to the story.

And as an author, I find that I'm good enough at describing things without having to use images; again, they're just a bonus.

More importantly, if you're an artist, you would know that drawing takes an awful lot of time, especially if you're an author too.

So, it's mainly because it's time-consuming and I often procrastinate.

Now, that doesn't mean I won't draw/post pictures for the book, just not as much.

I hope you understand.





Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

Anne tosses and turns on her cot, trying her hardest to block out the noise of the constant clicking.

Eventually, she subsides because the clicking just doesn't stop.

She groggily gets up from her cot and rubs her eyes.

She surveys the basement, and her eyes fall on none other than Y/N.

He was sitting in front of her, on his cot more specifically, and he had his back turned to her.

The clicking noise was coming from him, as Anne spots him clicking the butt of a pen repeatedly while shaking his knees, showing that he was thinking about something.

His back was slightly hunched, and Anne could barely make out the outline of a notebook sticking out from under his arm.

She slowly crawled over to Y/N, her presence being hidden because Y/N probably assumed she was still sleeping.

She again slowly moved, this time, she peered her head just ever so slightly over Y/N's shoulder.

Anne: "...'The Plan?'" Anne questions after reading the title of a page that Y/N was writing on.

Y/N: "AH!" Y/N jumps and falls to the floor as he clutches his chest, trying his hardest to regulate his heartbeat.

Y/N: "Jesus Christ Anne, you scared me!"

Anne laughs. "Sorry, dude. You kinda woke me up with the pen clicking."

Y/N nervously rubs the back of his head. "M-My bad. I've been up all morning thinking of several plans." Y/N admits as he picks his fallen items up from the floor.

Anne raises her eyebrow. "Plans? Plans for what?"

Y/N sits back down on his cot.

Y/N: "Plans for us to escape... Plans for us to find Sasha, Marcy, AND escape."

Y/N sits next to Anne and turns the page twice.

Y/N: "And I've got a concept design for tons of weapons we can make to defend ourselves... This one's my personal favorite."


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