Chapter 6: Family Bonding

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At the Plantar house, Polly groans while doing the dishes.

Polly: "Why do I have to do the dishes by myself? Sprig usually helps me..." Polly turns to face the living room to see Anne, Hop Pop, Y/N, and Sprig bickering, which forms a vein in her purple skin.

Anne: "Look, Hop Pop, dude, all I'm saying is that where I'm from, you could get arrested for having a couch this firm."

Hop Pop: "Back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks. Sharp ones."

Anne: "Okay... But if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you."

Hop Pop: "Back in my day we called those, 'character'."

While Sprig and Y/N would be arguing about something totally different.

Y/N: "No, Sprig it's not the same! I've known Anne my whole life, you only just met her!"

Sprig: "But I bet I'm a better friend than you!"

Y/N: "How when I've saved her life countless times?"

Sprig growls. "I saved her life too!"

Y/N: "Yeah, well, she was also my girlfriend, so beat that!" Y/N shouts, letting his ego get the best of him.

Sprig scoffs as he folds his arms and turns away from Y/N.

Polly watches the four as she facepalms.

Polly: "Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with a brain."

- Later -

Polly's now playing solitaire in the living room, but a loud thud stops her focus.

Anne: "Where I'm from, we didn't rush people in the bathroom!" Anne yells from the bathroom as another thud is heard.

Hop Pop: "Well, back in my day we didn't have a bathroom!"


Anne: "Stop hitting the door with a battering ram!"

Hop Pop: "It's been two hours!"

Polly's vein reforms, this time, appearing two times larger.

Polly: "That's it-!" Polly tries to yell but is cut off by Y/N and Sprig entering the living room.

Y/N: "Sprig, give me back my pen!"

Sprig: "No, this is the one Anne gave me!"

Y/N: "No it isn't!" Y/N dives for Sprig but the frog easily leaps out of the way, causing Y/N to crash into the living room table and send Polly's cards flying all over the room.

Polly becomes so enraged, that she almost turns red.

Polly: "...I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" She yells at the top of her lungs, quieting the whole house and making Y/N and Sprig stop in their tracks.

Y/N: "Uhh... Sorry?"

Polly: "If you four keep bickering, it's gonna break this family apart!"

Sprig clears his throat. "We're not bickering, we're just having a friendly dispute between men. That's all."

Polly scoffs. "You guys aren't even men!"

Y/N: "Ouch."

Hop Pop then enters the room with the battering ram. "Jeez, I dunno when I made the bathroom door so strong." Hop Pop puts the ram down. "I'm proud of myself." He praises while smirking.

Polly once again, facepalms.

Her face then twists into an evil grin.

Polly has formulated a plan.

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