When you cry

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James :
He hugs you and you and him just watch TV together.He constantly says 'I love you' and he tries to make you laugh and fill your heads with the funniest and craziest memories with him which always cheers you up.

He kisses you every where and constantly reminds you how beautiful you are and saying you don't need to worry.You usually just cuddle and talk about your day.

He hugs you and never lets go.He hums your favourite song in your ear as you slowly stop crying.Some how this always works.

He treats you like a princess when you cry or sad.He'll do anything,he will bring you chocolate ,as it's the time of the month, and a DVD to watch.

Daniel and you always go for a walk down the park as it always clears you mind.You hold hands and talk about your day.What ever time it is he will some how buy ice cream for you.

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