He takes you on a trip

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*wrote this on my phone.so it's kinda of bad :/*

James: Paris - you always wanted to go Paris to go Disneyland.You never went there when you were little.you want to see the Eiffel Tower and try out the different food.
Beau: London- You live in America so it cost A lot of money to go there.You always wanted to go there since you were little but you didn't have the money.Beau realised that yo always wanted to go there so he toke you,so you could ride on a red bus and see the London eye and Big Ben.
Skip: Spain- He toke you on a surprise trip to Spain as a little treat.You were so excited because you loved hot weather and you never been in Europe.
Jai: Canada- You lives in London and you loved sun but some times you didn't.You've been to Spain and relaxed in the sun but you wanted to go somewhere cool and out of Europe.So Jai got a ticket for you and him to meet up in Canada!
Luke: Australia- you wanted to go back to your home country but you were always busy.See you were a YouTube and you had a job.You never had long breaks.Luke talked to your manger and asked if she could have a month off.He said yes.Luke took you on a surprise trip to Australia,your home town.

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