08. will's body

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━━"Holy shit," Summer panicked while sitting on Nancy's bed. Jonathon and Nancy looking towards each other with fear on their faces. "We got to tell the police an this, someone is out there kidnapping kids."

"We can't call the police, Summer. We just can't. It isn't a person, it's a monster. Have you even been listening to what I was saying?" Nancy shook her head and held the picture up at Summer, pointing towards the figure. "This, this is the monster. Got it?"

"Yes," Summer scoffed pushing the picture from her face. "Also how long has Barb been missing? And how did she go missing?"

"Ok, so she went missing on the night I went to Steve's house for a party." She looked away from Summer for a sec before looking back up at her. "And I don't exactly know what happened but she never came home. It's been three weeks and I need to know what happened to my best friend. I don't know if she's dead, but I really feel like she's dead.."

"I'm sure we'll find," Summer looked at Nancy. Hoping to bring her spirits up and looked towards Jonathan. "And Will, we'll find them. Let's go monster hunting," Summer said with ambition. Feeling the adrenaline and rage coming through her.

Nancy and Jonathan both looked at each other. Both confused and scared out of their minds. Not sure what to say or how to react, but knew exactly that they had to do and what they had to.

"Anyways, it's getting late. I should get going before my dad finds out I'm gone." Summer mentioned as she walked towards the window. Before opening it up and slipping through the opening. Almost slipping on the roof below then climbing down. Then jumped down from there and walking her way down the road.
       Hearing the sounds of a car pull up behind her—car door slammed shut, as she walked the opposite direction from Nancy's house.


The lunch bell ringed, she followed along the group to the cafeteria and sat down. Steve looked at her and smiled then looked towards another table where Jonathan sat by himself. Steve looked oddly cheery today for some reason.

"Where's Nancy?" Summer asked, looking around for her but not being a sign for her.

"She's probably staying home after what she has done," Tommy snickered, getting a laugh out of Carol.

"What'd she do?" Summer asked, feeling bad and scared on what the answer would be. Picking at her tray of corn and not eating any of her food.

"Let's just say she had a bit of FUN with Jonathan," Tommy laughed loudly and drawing a few looks of people from the other tables around them. Jonathan looking down in guilt.

Summer felt the urge to yell but wasn't sure if she should. Then it hit her, "give Jonathan a break! He just found out his brother is dead and you're being selfish!" She snapped at Steve and his group. "Maybe if you weren't so self centered, you'll know how it feels!"

"You know what, Summer. You're being a bitch." Steve snapped back with anger and trampled off with Tommy and Carol. Leaving Summer there to think about her actions.

She walked off to sit by Jonathan and try to get him to relax. Tears strained his face as he looked up to her, "are you ok?" She asked with guilt in her tone of her voice.

"No, Will..Will is dead. His funeral is tomorrow and my mom doesn't even believe anything. She thinks he is still alive."

"That is the thing about grieving, you still believe he's out there alive. When he's clearly dead," Summer went off looking into the distance. "Then you have to just accept it," her eyes watered with such guilt. Guilt with her friend's brother's death.

"It's not your fault, Summer."

"I feel like it is, Will is dead and it is my fault."

"No, it's not. Anyways, I have to get going to class. The funeral is tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. If you want to come, of course. I'll see you later." He spoke as he got up and walked away to class.

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