04. starcourt

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    ━━Stacy Jones was a really pretty, girl. She could easily deceive men with looks and easily got what she want. She even lived in huge beautiful house, in Hawkins. Her parents had lots of money but weren't exactly rich. She dressed how any girl in the 80s dressed, beautiful, elegant, and glamorous. Stacy wore a pink blouse with all kinds of patterns on it with black leggings. Making her appear thinner than she actually was. The makeup on her face was top tier, only because her aunt did makeup for living. She was perfect, anything a guy could ask for. And she wasn't what you called a 'snotty popular girl.'

Summer stopped midway of the sidewalk at Starcourt mall. Folks have walked past her as she placed her bike on the bike rack. The mall was huge to her, compared to the ones in Michigan. Summer gazed around the premise of the lot, looking for Stacy. No sign of her. That was until she felt someone touching her shoulder and before she could turn around. Stacy jumped out from a nearby bush, that ran along the front of the mall on both sides equally.

"Boo!" Stacy laughed out loudly for a minute or so. Summer wasn't thrilled one bit, staring at her with a blank expression. " I'm just kidding, silly," she remarked and giggled. Stacy was the kind of girl who liked to pull pranks on people. Especially the teachers at school. As a matter of fact, Stacy laughed at just about everything. " Now let's go shopping."

"Ok," Summer replied to her statement and followed Stacy into the mall. Of course Stacy knew everything and everywhere in the mall. Summer has lived in Hawkins for a week now and managed to become friends with Stacy. Knowing Stacy lived in Hawkins her whole life, she knew about the mall.

Summer followed her throughout the mall, looking at clothes, accessories, perfume, and more. Summer cringed at the prices of everything. Everything was sure expensive for a small town, which was crazy to her. And Summer didn't have a lot to spend, just enough for cheap perfume and a Jean jacket.Maybe even a soda from the vending machine. She smelt one of the perfumes and gagged, it was such a strong smell and it didn't even smell good. It did remind her of her grandmas house, that's what it smelt like. She wanted to cry, but she didn't because she didn't want to embarrass herself or worry Stacy.

Stacy screeched with excitement at the jean jacket, " that is so cute! Maybe I should get one, so we can be twins!" She loudly exhaled, holding the jean jacket in front of Summer. She quickly grabbed one in her size but in grey. Summer just went with it and followed Stacy to ring up the jean jacket to wear with one of her outfits on Monday.


The two wandered around the mall looking at more things, until Stacy stopped and looked at a clock from around one of the stores. " I have to get going, I have to be home by 3 p.m." Summer nodded her head and walked around the mall, herself. People rushed by with food and items from the stores. The smell of perfume laid around the mall front around every corner. Besides the food court.

She entered the food court, getting a whiff of popcorn and pizza. The place was packed with people, especially teens. It was obviously a Friday night and teenager's were at the most popular place to hang out in town. Girls were talking about boys and their nails, and boys were throwing trash around like it was the school cafeteria. She gazed over the bodies and heads of other, she knew nobody from school. Until she heard a conversation from a specific someone.

Summer trailed her way through the tables and listened to their conversation. It was Steve. She walked over to the vending machine to seem busy and so he doesn't notice her. To what she knew, he never noticed. She wished he didn't notice.

"Nancy is a slut," a girl remarked. Who seemed to be Carol from what Stacy told her. Summer knew Tommy but not Carol, which seemed weird. Considering that they are always near each other.

"Yeah, man. You should just move on, how about Stacy Jones or the new girl. Summer Tremaine, I believe?" Tommy mentioned, as he wrapped his arm around Carol holding a cup of soda.

" You are right, but I'm only friends with Summer. Nothing more."

Tommy laughed and shook his head, " that's what you say about all the girls you've dated. But whatever, I have to get going and take Carol home." He walked off with Carol from the food court, leaving all of their trash behind. Luckily for Summer, Steve never noticed. She felt glad that Steve only saw her as a friend, because she didn't really like Steve.

Summer walked out of the mall, inhaling the fresh air. Trying to get the smell of new shirts, hairspray, and expensive mall food out of her nostrils. She shivered from the wind and hopped onto her bike to get home. From the look of the sky, it had to be at least 4 p.m. Just around dinner time and to get home to her family.

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