01. spilt beer

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━━Summer Tremaine grew up in Holland, Michigan for all of her life. She never wanted to leave. She had lots of friends and where she grew up, family members  lived right around her. Whenever her parents got into a argument, she'd walk or ride her bike to her grandparents house. Sometimes she'd spend nights or hour over there. At least until her parents stopped arguing.

       Now that her dad got a new job in Hawkins, Indiana. Her family had to move from Michigan. She never got to say goodbye to any of her friends and the last time she seen her grandparents for over three weeks. Hawkins seems smaller than Holland, but who knows. There could be so much more.

     This meant it was time to go to a new school and make new friends. Luckily it is still the beginning of the school year, and has a while to get to know people. She knew was going to stay until she reached adulthood. Which won't be too long from now, since she is 16 years old.

      She decided that she'd spend the year getting to know people throughout town and get used to living in Hawkins. This year will be her year, she'd be old enough to get a summer job and learn to drive. Anything a teenager could wish for, will come her way. Right now she will focus on moving in and school.


"Oh great! Not again!" Steve Harrington's facial expression went from cheerful to anger. He looked down at his brand new, now ruined shirt. Then down at the metal can on the floor that he spilt on his shirt.

     His friends, Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins, both laughed at him and pointed at his shirt. His shirt was covered in beer and the stain went from the mid section of his shirt to end of the shirt.

"Good job, you dumbass," Tommy remarked.

"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." Steve walked off through the huge crowd of people, irritated about his new shirt being completely ruined.

         A few weeks ago, Steve has decided to throw a party at his house since his father was out for a few weeks and because school would be ending in a few days, so he threw a party.

        He walked around the house, to see if Nancy Wheeler would show up. He hoped she would show, they've been having problems these past week. She said she'd show up weeks ago and she didn't. Maybe he did something wrong when they were making out and she was staying the night at his last party or if it's because Barb went missing. He never seen the point in Nancy being so upset about Barb's disappearance. He never liked Barb. He remembered going to see Nancy a few nights before and seeing Nancy spending time with Jonathan.

        Steve shrugged it off and headed towards the bathroom where he intended to go, to try and get the stain out of his shirt. He grabbed a towel and dabbled soap and water onto it before rubbing gently onto his shirt.  " Oh great! It won't come out, now I have to throw out this shirt."

bang! bang! bang!

       Steve jumped and turned around to the bathroom door on the floor. A couple knocked it down and were making out on the the floor. Steve started getting frustrated and stepped over the couple on the floor. " Ok, get out!"


"You heard me, get out!" He said angrily, trying not to get too upset. All he wanted at the time being was to be alone. With his thoughts.

"Fine," they both replied in unison and walked out with their shirts. The crowd screamed out to the music and people were smashing things. Glass was everywhere and there were two girls dancing on the kitchen table. Steve had enough.

"EVERYONE, GET OUT!" The crowd was still yelling and chugging down beers, but then people started to calm down. People got up and started to leave, bringing cups and plates along with them. At that point, Steve Harrington didn't even care anymore.

       All he has to worry about now is how he is going to clean the place up before his dad came back home on Friday. All he wants to think about is why Nancy didn't show up to his party, she showed up to any other party of his.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒,  steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now