C2- my nametag

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c h a p t e r  2;
my name-tag


I was told by Newt to look after the second girl that just arrived last night. There she was, still sleeping with a head that must've been filled with confusion and questions.

"Yo, Chuck," one of Gally's friends walked toward me.

I rolled my eyes as I knew how annoying they were. "What do you want?"

They gazed at the girl, "We'll look after her."

"Don't even think about it," I sneered, "Newt didn't order you guys for this. So, leave."

"So, the limp boy owns her?" they laughed.

"Shut up, you'll wake her up."

After a while, they left. I sighed in relief as I looked back at her. Newt was one of the nice guys in the Glade, and I'm sure if he ever found a girl one day, she'd be the luckiest person.


"You know, if it wasn't because of her, I would already throw you into the maze and see if you could survive there."

I woke with a start and found myself lying on the ground blanketed with a thin sheet. It was clear now. Yet, the smoke from last night's fire still could be seen. I sat up and tried to remember something. Those words from last night's short dream were weird.

"Are you feeling better?" I looked behind, and it was the curly-haired kid. He walked towards me with a smile and sat beside me.

"What happened...?" I looked over at the clearing before glancing up, and we were under the tree.

"Chaos. Thomas stung himself, and you fainted. Everyone was forced to choose a side or else they would be banished, and finally Thomas, along with Teresa, were both put into the pit last night."

"Teresa?" My skin tingled when I heard her name.

"Yeah. That girl with wavy hair and light skin. Her name's Teresa. She was also sent from the box, and we thought she was the last girl, as she was holding a note in her hand saying, 'She's the last one. ever.' Then, you came. It's weird that in the box you were in, there weren't any supplies anymore. Just a nametag."

My hands trembled. I remained silent when my mind started to pick up the shattered pieces of my past. It was just so...weird. I remembered lots of things about life — eating, clothes, studying, playing, and general images of the makeup of the world. But any details that would fill in the picture to create a true and complete memory had been erased somehow. It was like looking at an image through half a meter of muddy water. More than anything else, perhaps, I felt...sad.

"What is this place...?" My voice cracked.

Chuck plucked the grass, "this place is called the Glade, all right? It's where we live, where we eat, where we sleep — we call ourselves the Gladers—"
"Who sent me here?" I demanded, fear finally giving way to anger. "How'd—"

"Relax...okay?" He reassured, but his face showed dread. "You're not alone in this place. We're here with you...you don't have to be scared."

I gave in to silence for a moment before changing the topic. "Where are the others?" I asked, "How many of you are here? Boys and girls, how many?"

As if my question was funny or maybe even silly, he scoffed, "Well, you're the second girl here. They never sent us girl before, and suddenly, they sent Teresa and you." He stood up, "I think they might have something else going on."

Chuck and I made our way to the clearing when he introduced himself as Chuck. It hit me like a winter blizzard when a name popped up in my head. My name.

From afar, my eyes caught a blonde boy looking down at what looked like an underground prison, which turned out to be a pit where Thomas and Teresa were put.

"Hey, Chuck." Newt greeted. "How's she?" he turned his eyes on me.

"Oh, she's fine. She is just a little bit confused. Thomas?" Chuck replied.

"He's awake."

I stepped closer and a familiar voice rang in my head. "Is this you?" Thomas locked his eyes with mine. "It's me, Thomas, remember?" he spoke again.

"W-Who?" I tried to reply to him.

His eyes were hard to read. "Why are you here...what have they done to you?"

I find it hard for me to grasp my past, and I decided to not reply to Thomas's voice in my head for now.

Another voice rang in my head, almost yelling at me. "You shouldn't be here! Nope!"  Teresa gave me a piercing look.

"Let's go-'' Chuck shook my arm, which brought me back to reality.

"Wait," Newt handed me something - a nametag, "this is the only thing that we found inside of the box, so I thought this must belong to you." He smiled.


"Maybe that nametag is yours, and the name engraved on it must be your name as well." Chuck surveyed me.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's my name. My name is Y/N."

While Chuck was stuffing some stuff inside the bag, I was busy with my thoughts as I kept my eyes on the nametag. Chuck told me about the whole maze thing and how Minho and Thomas found a way out of it.

The fact that they spent the whole two years in the maze; trying to map it and find their way home, made my heart stumble. The previous guy who helped me out of the box was Minho — the keeper of the runners.

Why would they send us to live in a freaking maze? I thought bitterly.

"Why can't I remember anything?" I glanced at Chuck who sat beside me.

"It happens to all of us here," Chuck sighed sourly, "we don't even remember anything from our past; family or friends... we only remember basic knowledge and our names." Chuck patted my shoulder, "Don't worry. After we get out from this maze, we're gonna find our families, and our lives will go back to how they used to be."

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