Compared with the world's top scout players, her marksmanship is still somewhat different. The bullet hit the opponent's neck, and it was a little off. She failed to kill the opponent in an instant, and only hit the opponent to half blood.

As soon as she died, the German team's assaulter, charger, and scout rushed forward in a group. Hua Ran and Xia Li fought together for a while. Both sides suffered casualties. In the end, the Huaguo team was killed by the German team 3 for 5, and Germany pulled back one round.

The score of the small game was 1:1.

Qin Xueyao said ashamedly, "My fault, I died too early."

Mo Hantian said, "I can't blame you. There are two people on the opposite side who specifically cover you. You can fight 1 against 2, but you can't beat them normally." He took a deep breath and said, "In the next game, Binbin will follow Xueyao and help you at any time!"

In the third round, the German team's teamfight strategy was very clear. It was better to kill the scout. Fortunately, Shi Xiaobin followed Qin Xueyao, and he could save Xueyao immediately after she was killed. However, three people from Germany came directly to the left side of the map this time, surrounded by triangular positions, vowing to kill Shi Xiaobin and Qin Xueyao in one pot!

Mo Hantian sent Hua Ran on the right side, and the sniper didn't have much effect in this map. Once Xueyao and Shi Xiaobin died, they were faced with the predicament of 3 on 5. After struggling for a while, the group was destroyed.

The score of the small game was 2:1, and the German team overtook.

Offstage watching the war zone, the German coach Clemence's face reappeared with a smile.

The assistant said in a low voice, "Sure enough, kill the scout first, and they won't be able to fight."

Clemence said with a smile, "The scout is their eyes. This scout player moves very well, but she can't cope with the outflanking of two or even four people."

After all, the German team was the third runner-up last season, a very strong team in Europe, both players and coaches have two brushes. Clemence has a vicious eye, and it is not surprising that he can see through Huaguo's style of play.

On the coaching bench next door, Jiang Shaoyu did not call a timeout.

The fourth round is about to start, which is the point of the German team.

The netizens in the domestic live broadcast room are all anxious to death.

[Germany is already 2:1, and one more win will take this picture]

[Coach Jiang doesn't stop and adjust?]

[Xueyao is always killed, the German team seems to have seized the key to our tactics!]

[Coach Jiang didn't plan to suspend, is he going to give up this game?]

[Mo Hantian also killed the opposing scout in the first round, but didn't even fire a shot in the second and third rounds]

[What is Mo Hantian doing? I don't know, I feel like he's playing quite a mess!]

At this moment, Mo Hantian's mind was indeed a little confused. He is still inexperienced in commanding, and facing a situation where a certain point of his own is frequently targeted by the opponent, he can't think of a way to break the game.

The speed of the German team is too fast!

After all, it was the third runner-up last year, a veteran European team. Although their strongest point is charging, they are not weak in such positions as scout, assaulter, sniper, and medic. They are all world-class players.

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