Chapter 27: What The Fuck Hikari

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Final Verdict is out

And it fucking broke me entirely

That's why this chapter exists

Spoilers for Final Verdict's story btw (obviously)!

And TW for mention of murder!!!!! Oh shit-!!


Time to feel pain
Miyu's favs ig
Friday, 8 July 20XX
01:59 PM

Hikari: GUYS

Hikari: HELP 😭😭😭

Umi: What's the matter?

Deuce: Yeah, what's wrong?

Po: wtf is it

Hikari: Umm sooo

Hikari: I accidentally killed Tairitsu

Deuce: WHAT

Umi: Huh???


Tinky: What in the name of fuck were you fucking thinking 🗿

Hikari: Look umm sooo

Hikari: Me and Tai had a fight

Hikari: And she almost killed me


Hikari: It's true 😔

Hikari: But i fought back

Hikari: But i ended up killing her

Hikari: Pls help :(

Deuce: Idk how to help tbh..

Po: she already dead theres nothing we can rlly do abt it

Hikari: You're maybe right


Tinky: Rare footage of Hikari swearing

Hikari: I'm so sorry about that

Hikari: I need some time.

Hikari Is Now Offline.

Deuce: Does that mean Tairitsu is no more in this group chat?

Umi: Probably.

Umi: Not too sure.

Po: ouch

Po: rip tairitsu 😔

Tinky: Can we get an f in the chat?

Deuce: F

Umi: F

Po: f

Tinky: F

Tinky: Not everyone is on, they better back read and press an f in the chat

Po: fr
Tairitsu.....girl :(


Ok bye for now :(

(DISCONTINUED!) So, Why Exactly? - Multifandom Chatfic!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt