Chapter 23: Pico Is Jealous...

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Fuck it, get a another chapter within a day, idc-

Ok enjoy!
Nico nico kneecaps
Sunday, 1 May 20XX
02:17 PM

Pico pico pii: happy first day of may
Pico pico pii: not doing great tbh

Riko riko rii: Huh? Why's that?

Pico pico pii: uhhh saw in the lmfao gc that bf called gf his 'one and only love' when all three of us are in a relationship-

(Stupid headcanon/AU shenanigans don't mind me-)

Pico pico pii: kinda jealous oof

Mato mato: Oof :(

Nico nico nii: lmao get rekt

Pico pico pii: stfu

Nico nico nii: dw im just kidding
Nico nico nii: on a serious note, im sure he also loves u too, he probs didnt mean what he said or he just randomly forgot

Riko riko rii: ^^^^
Riko riko rii: I'm still kind of new to ny relationship with Yohane, so I don't completely know too much about relationships in general
Riko riko rii: But cheer up! ^^

Pico pico pii: huh, maybe ur right
Pico pico pii: maybe im just the one being too jealous and shit lol
Pico pico pii: ok enough of the sadness
Pico pico pii: i saw what was up there, tsunderugi and mato mato

Tsunderugi: Istfg

Mato mato: Oof
Mato mato: I mean we took it to the dns so you'll never know! >:)

Pico pico pii: its kinda sus tho, ngl 😒

Love arrow shoot: Now that I think about it, yeah, that does seem.....err....'sus', as in, suspicious.

Nico nico nii: ??????
Nico nico nii: UMI JUST TYPED SUS??????

Riko riko rii: HELP

Love arrow shoot: Sigh
Love arrow shoot: But yeah, it's a bit suspiciousing...

Nico nico nii: ^^^^
Nico nico nii: true dat

Riko riko rii: I could agree
Riko riko rii: What were you both talking about anyway?

Mato mato: Sigh, it's nothing important, haha!

Nico nico nii: ....u sure??

Mato mato: Uh huh

Tsunderugi: Like what Kisaragi said.
Tsunderugi: It's nothing too important. No need to question it.

Love arrow shoot: Well if you say so...

Tsunderugi: Well then, with that being said, I'll be going now.

Tsunderugi Is Now Offline.

Mato mato: Me too, hehe-
Mato mato: Bye for now! :)

Mato mato Is Now Offline.

Pico pico pii: .

Riko riko rii: ..

Nico nico nii: ...

Love arrow shoot: ....

Pico pico pii: sus

Riko riko rii: Very sus

Nico nico nii: i can feel the sussyness from here

Love arrow shoot: Mhm, you're right Pico, it's a bit too......sus.

Nico nico nii: i cant anymore

It's not the end of this arc yet (Yea I'm calling this a whole fucking arc lmfao). It'll continue soon ig.

Ok bye for now :)

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