Chapter 21: Haha Gay

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Nico nico kneecaps
Saturday, 30 Apr 20XX
11:41 PM

Nico nico nii: uh hey

Mato mato: Oh hi
Mato mato: Wait why you awake???

Nico nico nii: cant sleep hhhhhh
Nico nico nii: wait i should be asking u the same thing

Mato mato: Oop-
Mato mato: Uhhhh
Mato mato: Working on a new invention! :)

Nico nico nii: oh yea
Nico nico nii: i fucking forgot that ur an inventor
Nico nico nii: wtf is wrong with me

Pico pico pii: lmfao

Mato mato: Oh hey
Mato mato: Why you awake?

Pico pico pii: oh
Pico pico pii: pulled an all nighter
Pico pico pii: texting bf is such a pain to me he literally keeps me up all night bruh

Nico nico nii: LMAOOOOO

Pico pico pii: BRUH STFU

Love arrow shoot: You three are awake too?

Nico nico nii: ayo???
Nico nico nii: umi why u awake bruh

Love arrow shoot: Oh, I was asleep, but I just suddenly woke up. Nothing special.

Riko riko rii: Same case for me

Tsunderugi: Same for me.

Pico pico pii: lmao even the police officer is awake

Tsunderugi: Oh shut up.

Nico nico nii: best interaction ever
Nico nico nii: anyways
Nico nico nii: umi ya wanna see how cool i look in that new costume i have ;)

Love arrow shoot: Oh, you were talking about your third....Uh, 'All Star Festival' costume, right?

Nico nico nii: fuck yea im talking abt that

Love arrow shoot: Hm, well I did saw it.
Love arrow shoot: And, well......

Mato mato: Omg guys she's gonna say something good about it isn't she

Love arrow shoot: It does look great on you. :)

Riko riko rii: I love the fact those two messages showed up at the same time lol

Mato mato: HELP 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Nico nico nii: omg thank u babe <33
Nico nico nii: im sure u would look great in yours too
Nico nico nii: wonder when kotori will be done with it.....

Mato mato: Sigh

Tsunderugi: Oh god
Tsunderugi: Not here you two

Pico pico pii: ye, if yall gonna flirt, dms exist 🗿

Love arrow shoot: Wha

Nico nico nii: YALL BROKE HER HAHA

Mato mato: UMI PLS CALM DOWN 😩😩😩

Love arrow shoot: You're right, sorry about that.
Love arrow shoot: Nico, let's take this conversation to DMs.

Nico nico nii: ok ok~ :)

Pico pico pii: im gonna try going to sleep
Pico pico pii: gn ig

Riko riko rii: Good night!

Mato mato: Gn!! ^^

Tsunderugi: Good night.

Pico pico pii Is Now Offline.

Riko riko rii: I'm gonna go back to sleep too, good night you two!

Mato mato: Gn gn!

Tsunderugi: Alright, good night.

Riko riko rii Is Now Offline.

Tsunderugi: By the way Kisaragi.

Mato mato: Hm??

Tsunderugi: I've been meaning to talk to you about something.

Mato mato: Ohhh alr! Straight to dms we go ig!!
Little did Kisaragi know that they're gonna talk about something...serious, maybe a bit personal, who knows~

Ok bye for now :)

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