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Scarlett's POV

"It's your fault Scarlett." Max says while i scoot backwards on the floor. She points the gun at my leg, and shoots it. I scream in pain and she just stares at me blank.

"It's you fault Billy's dead! It should've been you instead!" She screams, a tear rolling down her face. I look at her and shake my head. "No Max, i couldn't do anything! The mind flayer got rid of my powers!" I exclaimed as i stopped moving, and she pointed the gun against my forehead. The cold metal on my skin causing my to flinch, and send shivers down my spine.

"No, you know you had them. You just wanted to watch him die." She says. I look up to her but she fades into Henry. He looks at me with a smile, and cocks the gun, placing his finger over the trigger.

"I should kill you with my powers, but i have somewhere to be. Have fun with Papa." He says, looking over to the far left corner of the room. My gaze trails over there, and Papas dead in the corner, his hands tied, and a single gunshot to the head. I scream and just as i do the tigger goes off.

"Scarlett! Wake up!!" Mike says shaking me. My eyes stay close and i let out another loud scream, causing everyone in the house to run down stairs. Max runs over to me, and grabs my arm. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" She yells at Mike, him replying with "I didn't do anything!! I came to wake her up and she was muttering, 'No, please max i couldn't do anything'. She was sweating like crazy!" He exclaims as Steve and Will walk over behind me. Will dumps water on my face to try to wake me up, but it didn't work.

"Henry please!" I yell as he cocks the gun again. He's playing russian roulette now, he's playing with me. When he looses his focus, i sweep his legs, causing him to fall on his back. I quickly grab the gun, and sure enough there was no ammo. I look back to him, and he uses his powers to lift me in the air, causing me to choke. I kick my legs in the air as he stands back up. "You just made this even worse for you."

I start to float in the air, and everyone backs up, watching me. "What the hell!!" Nancy exclaims, as Steve grabs my leg pulling me back down, but struggles because of Henry. Everyone else grabs my legs pulling me back to the ground, and holds me there.

I fall back to the ground, and Henry looks at me confused. I take this opportunity and use my powers to set his hair on fire, causing him to release me.

I send him up in the air, and flying across the room into the lab wall. He falls down, and i set the rest of his clothing up into flames.

I use my remaining strength to send him into another wall, and using all of my energy, send him to the upside down and his subtle death. I stand back up, and collapse again with no more energy left, and into a deep sleep.

I wake up and fall to the ground gasping for air, and Max reaches to hug me, but I scoot back away from her and into the table. Tears start streaming down my face, and i still have little to no energy. "Scarlett, what the hell was that!?" Lucas asks while Everyone looks at me puzzled and confused.

"J-just stay away. He's back... Vecnas back." I say as everyone's looks change to blank and worried expressions. "I-i had a nightmare. H-he came back as the Mind Flayer and killed p-papa.. and then me...." i said while looking down to the ground. Eleven walked through everyone and hugged me, while i sobbed into her arms.

Everyone knew something had to be done, because the last time something happened with Vecna, Max almost died. She broke her arms and legs and almost lost her sight. That was last year though, when Eddie Munson died and Hawkins got destroyed.

We rebuilt it slowly and just got everything back to normal, well sorta. The gates have been blocked off and scientists are conducting experiments with the entrances.

Dustin and I made a small grave for Ed, and placed his graduation cap, gown and diploma on it, and sat with him telling him the speech we shared for him.

"Papas dead." Eleven whispered into my ear, and i knew that what i saw wasn't fake, it was real. I turned my head and looked at her, and she gave me a look of hurt. "El... you can't leave Hawkins now. He trying to kill us, because he knows we can kill him." i say and she shakes her head in agreement.

Steve walks over and grabs my hand, causing me to flinch. He sits next to me, and i calm down as Eleven moves next to him, making it so the others can see me. I break down again, and cry into his chest. He places his chin on my head as i silently sob, while Eleven now hugs me from the side.

Nancy gives a disgusted look, while she watches her ex boyfriend comfort his long term best friend. Johnathan gives her a side hug, and she sadly rests her head on her boyfriends shoulder.

Mr and Mrs Wheeler go back to doing there thing, while everyone grabs gear to head back to the lab. Eleven and Scarlett eat eggos, while the d&d boys make sure walkies work, the satellite is set up, and they have enough gasoline for any battle they face. Nancy, Steve, Max and Johnathan grab guns, axes, bats, and any heavy duty like weapons, including bear traps.

I grab El and I's plate, quickly thanking Mrs Wheeler for everything and she quickly responds hugging me. "Dear, you and your friends are welcome here anytime. Your all family and i love everyone one of you." I give her a smile and her husband quickly reply's to her comment from the comfort of his recliner.

"Maybe try not flying in the air again?" He says, and i let out a small giggle. Mike and Nancy told their parents about everything that's happened, and they both have a big soft spot for everyone now. They promised not to tell anyone, and they've kept that secret. I honestly have so much trust in them now.

"I'll try my best Mr.Wheeler, thank you aswell. Do you guys think you could possibly get a lock for you basement door with a code? It's just, if you weren't aware with my whole situation with my brother all of us would feel safer down there if he couldn't access it." I say letting a deep breath out while Mikes mother looks at me confused.

"Sweetie what's happening with your brother? Is he alright?" She says, causing Mr. Wheeler to pause the TV and leave the comfort of his chair to approach me and stand next to his wife.

"Oh uhm, he's ok i think, but things have been happening at home. He's been acting up and has been really aggressive, and our parents are out of town so they won't or can't do anything." I say, and Mrs. Wheeler instantly connects the dots and shakes her head in agreement, pulling out her car keys and grabbing her wallet.

"Ted, let's go to the hardware store to get a new lock, you kids stay safe ok? I'll install it once we get home." She says placing a kiss on my cheek and walking out the door with her husband trailing off behind her.

Mike sprints up the basement stairs looking at my back that's facing the front door, and quickly blurting his statement out. "We're ready." He says causing me to spin around and go to the neighboring room to grab El. I quickly return and everyone is now standing in the living room with weapons, gadgets, drinks, and snacks in hand.

"Let's kill this son of a bitch." I say while everyone walks out the door and into Steve's car.

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