Chapter 7: Home Sick

Start from the beginning


"And so instead of dying, your human built up a resistance and adapted to the substance. It integrated with her bio-circuitry and now the human's systems depend on it. Using your dark energon bond in such an intense way wore down the small amount in her systems." Shockwave explained.

"That explanation was completely meaningless to me." Megatron growled. "I want her fixed."

Shockwave nodded. "Then the logical solution would be to give the human more dark energon, but you confiscated my supply and ordered all Decepticons to never touch it again after the incident."


Megatron grabbed the human back from Shockwave.

"And how much will she require?"

"A small amount." Shockwave stated.

"Good." Megatron turned around and left the lab with the human in his hand.

So the dark energon created their connection. Megatron tilted his head in thought. That seemed logical, considering the connection it gave him to other beings, none of which were usually alive...

He entered his berthroom once more and fetched an energon cube. Megatron sat down and stared at the human in his palm for a moment.

How was he supposed to get her to drink it while she was unconscious? Humans did not have fuel valves.

Megatron carefully used his other hand to pry open her mouth, taking precautions not to cut her with his sharp fingers. Then Megatron dipped his finger in the toxic substance and got to work.


Roxy felt like... she'd been hit my a car. Again.

She moaned and tried to sit up, but something heavy and metallic was on her. She lifted her head up and saw that she was laying on top of Megatron's chest with his hand holding her firmly in place.

The warlord himself had his eyes closed, that is until he heard Roxy making a noise. He opened his eyes just as she turned to look at his face. Roxy let out a squeak of surprise.

Megatron sat up. "You are more alive."

"Duh." Roxy looked down at her clothes, frowning at her shirt, which was stained purple. The same color of that purple liquid Megatron bled.

"What happened?" She demanded, looking up at him.

"You kept choking." Megatron shrugged, standing up and heading for the door with Roxy in hand.

"What do you- You put that stuff inside of me!?" She screeched.

"Shockwave told me to."

Roxy stared at him. "You think that makes me feel better!?"

"I am not trying to comfort you. In fact, I am displeased that your plan failed. Arcee still shot me." Megatron informed her.

"Did you just change subject!?" Roxy demanded. "YOU PUT AN ALIEN FUEL DOWN MY THROAT!"

A pair of vechicon soldiers walking down the hallway flinched back at Roxy's sudden outburst and then quickly scurried away.

"I don't see the problem."

Roxy yanked on a chunk of her hair aggressively, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to find words for her frustration.

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