You wake up the next morning, slightly nauseous but nothing too bad. You eat breakfast, drink some coffee while sitting and reading on your phone. (B/n) walks in, shirtless and sweats low on his hips, hair tousled and eyes squinting. Seems like he's got a bad hangover... good. He deserves it.
Since you're still pissed off with (b/n) and he has a bad hangover, you turn up the volume on your phone and open tik tok. The noise is horrendous even to you, so you can imagine how annoying it is to (b/n). It doesn't take long before he bangs his mug down on the table and glare at you, "would you turn that off? It sounds terrible!" You look up at him, keeping a stony face even though you really want to smirk at his discomfort, "no, I'm watching something here."

(B/n) sighs deeply and walks around to you, grabbing your phone out of your hand, closing the screen and throwing it onto a pile of dishrags by the sink. "Hey! Give it back!" You try to go after it, but (b/n) stops you, hands on your thighs and levelling his eyes with yours. You try to ignore the shock of pleasure his touch on your skin brings you. "Why can't you just shut up? Why do you always have to be so god damn frustrating? You always use all the hot water, you nag me about everything, you're purposely being loud as hell when you know I've got a headache." You frown and cross your arms, "I'm frustrating? You rarely clean up after yourself, you eat my food, you come home late with girls and keep me awake for hours! Now you've taken to walking into the bathroom whenever I'm showering! How am I the frustrating one?!"
(B/n)'s eyes lower to your lips as you almost yell at him, listening to you and frowning. When you stop talking, he looks up into your eyes again. A few seconds pass, and when you're about to talk again, (b/n) covers your mouth with his hand, "just stay quiet. I have a thing for girls with a temper, and I'd rather not go there with you." Annoyed, you lick his hand, making him pull it away quickly with a disgusted face and wiping it on his pants. When he steps away from you, you get up and get your phone, going back to your room... but his hands though... fuck.

(B/n) hides away in his room for the rest of the day. You can't seem to get him off of your mind now, his touch still lingering on your skin. You try busying yourself with cleaning to stop thinking about him, doesn't work. You try to study, didn't work either. In your frustration, you go for a run... yes, a run! Maybe exhausting yourself would dampen the frustratingly sexual tension in your body. You reach the park aaand... no... you're still stuck thinking about all the places he could touch you with those hands.
With a sigh of frustration, you plop down on a bench, panting and sweaty... and still fucking horny. You try to think of solutions. Sleeping with (b/n) is a big no, that would only complicate shit. You already know touching yourself won't be enough, even with your toys as companions. Right... maybe you should take a page out of (b/n)'s book. You could hook up with a ton of guys to work out your frustration! And you could show him just how annoying it is when he brings girls home late.
You make your decision and go about making it happen. About once or twice a week, a new guy is in your bed, and every time, (b/n) retaliates by bringing a girl home.

This goes on for a couple of weeks... and it haven't done anything to silence your thoughts. In your frustration, you still use all the hot water in the morning, telling yourself he deserves it for planting himself in your mind with a fucking touch... and also screw him for being so unaffected! He could at least suffer along with you!

The morning after your latest b00ty call, you're in the shower when (b/n) barges in. You sigh, annoyed with him already, "(b/n), why can't you just leave me alone to shower? Don't you have some girl to call?" (B/n) doesn't answer, but two seconds later, the door to the shower opens and he steps in... and he's naked... in your shock, it takes you a moment to react. You quickly try to cover yourself up, fully focusing on keeping your eyes on his face, "what the fuck, (b/n)! Get out!" (B/n) shakes his head, "I told you to stop using all the hot water. I warned you this would happen if you didn't... and you didn't, so here I am. Now, move over, I gotta wash my hair."
You're blushing bright red, but thankfully the heat of the water covers it up. When you don't move, (b/n) sighs and gently move you aside by your shoulders, and starts washing his hair. He seems completely unaffected... what the hell? Annoyed, you wash your body. You're not about to let him win by leaving.

You two shower in silence. Your eyes keep drifting down his body, and eventually you turn your back to him. Now is possibly the worst time to think about how his touch would feel! "Why do you bring so many new guys home?" you hear (b/n) ask from behind you. You keep your back turned as you reply, "for fun? What, you can bring girls home but I can't bring guys?" "I don't care that you're bringing guys home, I'm just wondering why since they don't seem to do it for you." You feel (b/n) moving behind you, but you don't dare look. "They're doing just fine, (b/n), and it's also none of your business." You didn't think you could blush even more, but yet here you are. You must look like a tomato at this point. "Liar. They don't get you off. You're faking it the whole time." You can hear the smirk in his voice and you spin to face him, glaring at him, "I'm not lying!" (B/n) chuckles and looks down at you through his wet hair. "You're lying. I know what you sound like when you're actually enjoying yourself, and that's not it."

You watch him, mouth open in shock and embarrassment as the meaning of his words registers. He's heard you? But... you're always so quiet about it! "Ah, look at you getting all embarrassed. Yes, you're quiet when you know I'm home, but not so much when you think I'm not." He smirks, giving you the sudden urge to smack him, but you don't. Turning back around so you don't have to look at him, you glare at the wall as you talk, "yeah well, your girls are never quiet either!" (B/n) chuckles, his hands landing on your hips and turning you back around to face him, gently pushing you against the wall and caging you in, "that's because I know what I'm doing." He winks, and you're becoming very aware of how naked the both of you are. "You know, if I have to listen to you moaning names every other night, it might as well be mine. These other guys clearly aren't finishing the job properly." He's smirking at you, looking at your lips.
Sputtering, you push him away, eyes wide. (B/n) starts laughing uncontrollably, bending over with laughter, "oh my god, the look on your face! Priceless!" You glare at him, and without another word, you get out of the shower, grab your towel and rush to your room. You don't wanna admit to yourself how tempted you were by his offer... which was clearly just a joke... obviously.

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