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"Chris, this is rough on her and there isn't much you alone can do about that. She's been trapped in this house with this ... this person who's supposed to care, love her unconditionally and everything mums are supposed to do for their kids for years. Closeted for most of that time. Dude, I think I'd go insane if that were me. You and I are so lucky to live in a world where homophobia isn't very common. In their world, it's about as ubiquitous as... Hold on one sec, what's this person study anyway? Not the point! It's fuckin' everywhere. Let them be sad about this. And just keep being you, man. Just your kind, generous little old self" Blake said as he drove them home from Mercy General.
It was extremely late, in fact as Chris looked at the car clock, she saw it was very early morning.
"I just can't believe that a person like that still exists in the world. A person prepared to go and do that to their kid just because they're queer" Chris sighed as she watched the street lamps flash by the passenger window.
"I can. It's horrible, but like I said. Hey, I was thinking something, but I wanted to run it by you first, might be the answer Aro needs right now" Blake said, brightening up just a little. Chris turned her head to look at him, shrewdly.
"Was it the back room? The one we use for equipment n' shit?" Chris asked, straightening up in her seat.
"How did you know?" Blake asked her, throwing glances at her as his hands tightened on the wheel.
"Had the same idea while I was talking to them, but I didn't mention it. Was gonna tell you about it first" Chris explained, trying to keep the anticipation out of her voice. 'How was it we'd had the same idea?'
"Well, what do you think? Could we do it?" He asked, continuing to throw glances at her as he  swung left at an intersection. He'd tactfully avoided the Gladstone overpass.
"We'd have to ask them that. She'd have to be added to the lease, we can't just sublett it, nor can we afford to just take them in. I mean, initially yeah ... but eventually ..." Chris was saying, thinking more deeply about how they'd all manage the household together with Aurora.
"Well have to wait until they're stable though, right?" Blake asked, shooting Chris an ominous look through the side of his eyes.
"Of course. I suspect that simply discharging them won't really be as straight-forward as a yep, you-good-go-home. They'll probably go somewhere like a rehab or ... uhh ... somewhere before. Gives us time to make sure they can have the room, and talk it over with them first. Then clean out the room because last I checked, it was packed full of broken equipment. Your old drum kit is in there, you remember the one you put your foot through years ago?" Blake explained, snickering as he remembered.
Chris laughed, also recalling the incident. "I was gonna fix that you know. Why did you keep that, man? It's useless" she laughed, leaning her head on the window as they made another left turn into a darkened street.
"I'm bringing in some things for Aurora tomorrow, maybe I'll mention it. You can get a hold of our landlord and ask him. Then maybe together we could clean that room. I know most of that crap is yours anyway" yawned Chris.
"I wonder if that arm is going to be functional afterward ... Looked to me like it might not ..." Blake mused darkly as he turned the car into their street and into their drive.

The next day, after the lecture on campus, Chris made a grocery run and picked up a travel pack complete with a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a bar of soap and a two-in-one bottle of shampoo and conditioner and a small hairbrush. After bringing the rest of the shopping home, she made her way to the hospital to raid the gift shop. At said gift shop, she picked up a card and a small balloon on which was a small inked in guitar. In the card, which was a bog-standard get well card, she wrote the words 'Aro, get some rest and don't worry about anything. Here're some things for while you're here. I hope they let you out soon. Please keep in mind you can call me if you need anything, any time. You're my friend and I got your back. You don't have to go through this alone. Yours, Chris and Blake'. She then asked the receptionist where in the hospital Aurora could be found and proceeded to the fifth floor medical unit. She knocked on the closed door of room eight and waited.

The Major Lift. Rewrite one.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن